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    Izuku and Hideki were unstoppable two brother's that loved each other and always stuck together and had a loving mom but that all changed when their quirks manifested, Hideki was able to copy quriks if he knew how they worked and Izuku got a better version of his parnets quirk's instead of shooting fire out of his mouth he can move it to different area's of the body and even fly with it. His telekinesis was a stronger version of his mom's, (Inko's POV)
I'm so proud for Hideki but Izuku with that weak quirk he's a disgrace I thought. Then the disgrace said "mommy, mommy me and brother got powerful quirk's, are you proud!" I put on a fake smile and nodded and then we left. (No one's POV)
Once they were home Inko grabbed Izuku and threw him against the wall and yelled "you're a disgrace to this family!" Hideki tried to stop her but she pushed him away and kept beating him. The next day at school was when they would show off their quirk's, Bakugou was first and the adults praised him like a god then it Was Izuku's turn and he explained his quirk and the adults praised him even more but Izuku didn't even care he just walked back.      When it was Hideki's turn people called his quirk villainous and backed away from him, he then ran off with tears in his eye's Izuku ran after him and calmed him down they then went home.(nine year timeskip) It was the last day of Middle school and everyone was chilling until the teacher came in and said "since it's the last day I should pass out these career forms but I know you're all aiming for the hero course" he threw the papers and everyone exept three people showed off their quirks. Bakugou then started to talk about how great he was and how he's the strongest. After the day ended the two left and were walking through a tunnel only to see a green slime and he started saying "two meatbags which one should I choose" Izuku shot fire at his eye making slime boy hold his eye and pass out due to the pain. All Might came down and yelled "I AM HER- Oh wait you took care of it already wait I remember you I'm sorry about your father" Izuku then said "get out of the way" Hideki then apologized and caught up with Izuku.

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