Chapter 1

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You and the group had been travelling for days with little rest, everything hurt and you where all hungry so much so you had collapsed along with zeno, you two where puffed out so naturally the group took a break

"hey zeno?" you said from your spot against the tree

"yes miss y/n?" he replied in his normal chirpy voice

"do you like the dark...?" you said with a slightly quavered voice but before her could answer Yun had shouted

"Guys it's dinner!" so naturally Zeno went pouncing up with you following behind him

When you where eating you could only think of what was coming before you...nightfall, it was getting pretty late and yona was already sleeping along with All the other dragons, you where just sitting by the dim flame that was in front of you staring it down like it was a life or death decision and if u blinked you died, Hak was on night watch and was looking through the corner of his eye at you retreating to your tent

Y/n pov

I really didn't wanna go into that tent because once I did I was alone till I fell asleep and I didn't want to make it to obvious to hak that I was troubled so I crawled into the tent hoping I didn't look scared and once I was in I was in a blanket burrito made by yours truly and it made me feel slightly happier but not enough to quench the fear so I just sat, staring at the roof of my tent

Hak pov

I knew something was up with Y/n she was usually one of the first to sleep when she shared a tent with someone...she seemed hesitant tonight though? Was she sick.. Was she sad I don't know but whatever it was it was troubling her but I decided to leave her be and stay put against the tree a was leaning against

Normal pov

The night was cold as the wind whistled against the tent that you just so happened to be lying in.

"Why did it have to be tonight?....." you sighed but apparently your sigh way to loud because you heard footsteps approaching you tent and soon enough the zip on your tent was being pulled down

Aha cliffhanger so was this a good chapter?? I enjoyed writing it so please enjoy and have a good night/day

Love Oren  (23:38) 15/3/20

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