Before the Fall Downs

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Hailey's POV 12/19/12

I got out of my shower and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked....well wet. And horrible. I went over to my stero and it was blasting "Little Things" by of course One Direction. I'm in fricking in love with them. I'd go crazy if I could watch them walk 2 inchs. The song ended and then it started to black " Va Va Voom" by Nicki Minaj...Love her too. I looked back at the mirror and looked over my little details I loved about myself.

I had the cutest blue eyes. The sofest golden hair ever. I was 5'3. I was 19. Born on Demeber 25th, Christmas Baby!!!! Same birthday as Louis Tomlinson...almost.

I looked at my clock. FRICK!!! I had a One Direction concert to go to in 30! I quicky dried my hair and ran into my room and threw on my sea green button up plaid shirt and black skinny jeans and my white,fur, snow boots. I went back into the bathroom and flickered off the radio which was playing "Call Me Maybe". I put on some light makeup and curled my hair. I jumped down my stairs and put on my black winter coat and went out the door to my car. It was so fricken cold. I looked back at my house. You See, I live alone in my manison of a house that my parents got me, My mom Is J.K. Rowling Plus I am 2nd cousins to Prince William.  (A/N I seriously don't know is J.K. is related to prince william...lets just pretend for the story's sake)  I stopped day dreaming and ran to my car. I pulled out my drive and just as I did another car was pulling out of it's drive and hit my car...Everything went blank.


I woke up witha huge headache...I could feel a draft in the roo..Thats when I relaised I had a dent in my skull. I couldn't remeber a thing. Who I was. How old I am. Nothing...Just...Blank. I opened my eyes and five guys were staring at me the blondle one looked as if he was having a panic attack. Then my nurse came and told me some stuff. The boys left and then she told me it again. Then the boys came back in and the nurse quized me.


"Hailey Alicece Jessica Arantes"


"Ummmm...20 No..18 No.. 19 No... 16 No... Wait 19 Yes!.....I'm 19"


"December 15th 1995?"

"December 25th 1993. Parents"

"Joanne Rowling and Jorge Arantes"


"David Murray and Mackienze Murray"

"Your all good Hailey, Now your mother will be by shortly to take you home."

I nodded my head. My brain was going over so much stuff I might explode! Just then a lady walked in....I'm gussing my mother. She hugged me tight. She went to sign the papers and the boys were quick at her heels. I looked over at the clock. 2:34 I guess I could squezze in a nap.


I woke up with a dry throat. I quicky took a drink of water and looked at the clock again. 5:57. they still weren't back yet. My nurse came in about 20 minutes later and told me my mom granted the pleasure of having one direction stay at my house for theit year off break. My brain plumped. I couldn't rememeber who they were so i just went along with it. After my mother drove me home and put me in my bed with everything I could need she let the boys camp out in my room for the night.

"Ummm...Whats are your guys names,ages,and fave thing." I said probly stupidly.

A brown headed one chuckled and another brown hit him in the stomach.

A black haired went first. "I'm Zayn, I'm 18, I love picking on Naiil"

Then A curly brown went. "I'm Harry, I'm 18, I love getting in hot with the ladies"

Then the brown hair who chuckled went. "I'm Louis, I'm 21, You and me gonna be best firends for like EVEEERRRR!!!, I love carrots and Harry." he leaned over to give Harry a kiss.

Then the blondle went. " I'm Naill. I'm 19..I kinda hit your car, I'm sorry, I love pestering Liam."

Then the smart brown hair one went. "I'm Liam ,I'm 18, I'm know as the dadd direction,I love it when they get in trouble and not me." he siad that last part with a cheek grin.

So, we all spread out on the huge bed. I was in the middle on my laptop. Louis was resting his head on my shoulder helping me understand twitter. Liam was being fasinated by the movie on..I think it was called Toy Story 2. Harry was messing with Zayn's hair and Niall was chomping food into his mouth also trying to help me. But I fell asleep right into a face full of nacho dip.

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