Blue Lilac of the Spring

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Dearest Lovely Lilac,

If I knew why i keep writing things to you and about you i would tell you, you send me up and over the moon and I hope for you i could do the same. My Lilac you are somehow the most caring person who could ever somehow love me. Curious by nature, you loving is unfathomable to me so I dream of a world where I can believe you don't. I love you, and ive stopped seeing that phase as an expression of emotion or feeling. I still think I have discarded those a long time ago. Now "I love you" seems more like "It will hurt more when you leave". It's been about 7 months now and in all honesty I had no clue it would last this long, that I would last this long. You talk about our future together and i savor the moments my mind allows for me to relish such a future. For a long time I didn't think I would have a future, nonetheless a pleasant one. I also don't think I was ever truly in a romantic love before you. We got together in august, we fell in love in October, and every time our song comes on I want to dance, laugh, cry, and hug you all at the same time. You're a Lilac, my first true love, my center, my happiness and yet you're so far. If I could make the world bend, I would even if it only meant holding hands with you.

Lavender <3


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