CHAPTER ONE I woke up ! It was my sixteenths birthday, my parents told me I might be getting a car. I was the first one awake. I had breakfast and got ready for school. Mum and dad woke up followed by my brother Liam. "Happy birthday Hazel" with a big kiss on the cheek by my mum. " Happy birthday Hazel" with a big kiss on the cheek by my dad. "Happy birthday Hazel" with a hug from brother Liam. My mum and dad went and got dressed, they came down with a three presents" the Hazel love mum" the other present saying "to Hazel love dad" and the third present saying "to Hazel from mum and dad". I oped the present from mum it was a beautiful pair of Dimond earrings than I opened dad present, it was a book I have wanted for a long time it was could "If I stay" now it was down to the third present it was small I opened it was one of the most beautiful rings I have ever seen. I said my thank you and went to school.I walked into school I saw my friends, Molly, Kira,Isabel, Olivia, Tahlia, Deborah and Georgia. They came up and gave me the biggest hug "happy birthday" they all said and they gave me a little present. I opened the present and it was a moonlight necklace, all my friends were wearing the same necklace. We went to the first period it was maths, second period was English, third period was eating time, fourth period it was History, fifth period was lunch, six period it was science. It was a great day. At the end of school I went out side and saw my parents on the other side of the rode, I saw them with a silver geep they yelled "here's your jeep" and held up the keys. I ran to my parents and I can across the rode when I was running I heard a big "beeeeeep" than I saw black.