The New Professor

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The was a tangible note of apprehension in the air at the 5th year Gryffindors headed to their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of the year. Not a lot was known about Curse Breaker Patricia Rakepick, and the the group had differing opinions about whether she could be trusted.

Rowan shifted her bag on her shoulder nervously, unable to keep quiet. "She has to at least be a better DADA teacher than we've ever had before, right?" she asked. "I mean, a professional curse breaker has to know her defensive magic."

Ben gave a visible shudder. "I just hope she doesn't demonstrate by cursing anybody."

"Wouldn't put it past her," muttered Charlie.

Sarah glanced at Ben ans saw that his face was devoid of any color. She was about to reassure him, though she too had her doubts about their new professor, when she heard a voice call her name and she felt her cheeks flush.

They all turned to see Barnaby Lee rushing toward them, a piece of wrinkled parchment in his hand. "Slytherins have DADA with the Gryffindors!" he said excitedly, holding out his schedule.

Sarah smiled at him. "Brilliant." His smile broadened, and she hoped the heat she was feeling in her face didn't show.

They continued to the staircase leading to the second floor, Barnaby striding along next to Sarah. His demeanor quickly changed, and he appeared sheepish. "So Sarah, I really want to do well in DADA this year...would you mind sitting with me? To help me, you know...focus?"

Sarah gave a quick glance at Rowan, who shrugged, letting Sarah know it was alright with her. She was grinning in a way that Sarah wasn't sure she liked, but she decided to ignore it. "Of course," she said, reveling in the way his face lit up as she said it. Barnaby's emotions were contagious; his joy was like a sip of fire whiskey. "Though I doubt you'll need my help. You're already the best duelist in our year."

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down shyly at the compliment. "Maybe second best, next to you," he said. "But I don't want to just be a strong dueler. I want to know stuff."

The group entered the classroom and found seats. Barnaby headed straight for the table closest to the professor--front and center. Sarah sat to his left, admiring at how much they Slytherin had grown since she met him in third year, who would have been perfectly happy just being strong and sitting in the back. She glanced around and saw that Rowan had found a seat next to Liz Tuttle, the creature crazy Slytherin in their year.

"Take your seats, everyone." Sarah faced the front to meet the eyes of Patricia Rakepick, who gave her a confident grin, but her eyes, as always, were fixed in an angry glare. "Welcome to your first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year."

Sarah could feel the tension, as every single student gave Rakepick their full attention. "They say this position is cursed, but breaking curses is what I do best." You had to admire her style, Sarah thought. "Over the course of this year, I will attempt to make up for four years of incompetent teaching, to prepare you to fight the battles and face the fears that await you outside, and even inside, these walls." Several people gulped. Sarah thought she might have heard Ben give a small squeak.

"Any questions?"

Sarah raised her hand. "Why would you leave Gringotts to teach here? Surely the position you were in was more...glamorous?"

"I feel here is where I am most needed at the moment," she said. Sarah was sure she was referring to the cursed vaults more than she was the education of Hogwarts's students.

"Now," Rakepick said, as she pulled out her wand, "let's begin. Spellman, prove that you can cast a revealing spell to make visible the creature within this room."

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