Where It All Began

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It was a Thursday morning and Jimin came into Taehyung's room at six to call him to get up.
Jimin was always the one who came in to call him. This morning though, Jimin woke up later than usual, but still took it upon himself to get Tae. As he woke up late himself, he had to rush to get ready, so he put on a baggy pair of track suit bottoms and shoes and grabbed a top and then went into Taehyung's room.
When he went in however, Tae was already up and getting ready.

"Oh... morning Tae." Jimin said while frozen in place.

"Morning hung" Tae turned around to look at Jimin. "Why don't you have your top on?"

"I woke up late and needed to rush to call you..."

"Oh..." Jimin could see Taehyung falter, but only for a split second. "Do you mind putting it on then? You know abs kinda freak me out..."

"Aish. Fine." Jimin turned around and put on his top while walking away.

While Jimin was walking down the stairs, he couldn't help but wonder. Why exactly did Tae falter when he saw him topless? Was it because he was simply too good looking? Ya, that was definitely it, Jimin just had that effect on people.It was just one of his many gifts to make others breathless.

He made his way to the kitchen and sat down beside Jin, making sure there was a seat empty in between him and Suga for Tae.

Taehyung heard the door open behind him and knew exactly who it was before they spoke.

"Oh... morning Tae." The surprise evident in his Hyung's voice.

"Morning Hyung" he turned around to see a topless Jimin standing in his doorway.
"Why don't you have your top on?"

"I woke up late and needed to rush to call you..."

"Oh..." Jiminie Hyung was so thin, it was unfair. Tae though about his own weight and how he didn't like being the imperfect one out of the group. Jin hyung was literally called Mr.Worldwide Handsome, Suga has always been extremely thin, Namjoon hyung was perfect, tall and thin, Heseok hyung was an
amazing ball of sunshine and always lifted others up, Jimin was thin and muscular and Jungkook was muscular and had a jaw line that could get diomonds in two.

And Tae? His jaw line was near gone, he was incredibly overweight for an idol nor did he have abs...not that he minded not having abs, but it's the fact that he's the most imperfect one in the group is what got him.

"Do you mind putting it on then? You know abs freak me out..."

"Aish. Fine." Jimin said and turned and walked out the door. Taehyung heard his steps fade going down the stairs.

Taehyung really wanted to be like the others. He wanted to be thin. He wanted a jaw line... he wouldn't mind having abs...

He made his way over to his door all the while thinking how fat his thighs are.
He went downstairs to the kitchen and took his seat beside Jimin and Suga.

He didn't really want anything to eat so when Namjoon asked him if he wanted anything to eat he just said, " no thanks hyung, I'm not really that hungry."

"Ok, but make sure to eat later ok? I don't want you to faint." Namjoon waited for Taehyung to tell him 'of course hyung, I'll eat anything I can later.' But Taehyung didn't even seem to hear him.

"Ok Teahyung?"

"Hmm? Oh, ya, ok hyung." Tae said then sighed and put his head in between his hands.

You're fat, you won't eat later.

"Shut up" Tae whispered to himself.

You're fat. Don't you dare eat later, or you'll throw it back up, I'm warning you.

"Fine, I won't." He whispered again.

Good boy.

That voice was so snarky and mean, Teahyung wasn't sure he liked it... but there was a niceness to it. It purred and it didn't want him to get fatter... mabey he might just listen to this voice. After all, it was making him do want he needed to achieve his dream body.

About seven minutes later, he was brought out of his thoughts by Jimin shaking him slightly saying that they need to go or Jin hyung will kill them for making everyone late.

At the mention of Jin hyung, late and kill, Teahyung hopped up and ran out to the van along side Jimin, 'forgetting' his lunch that Jin hyung made for him in the counter beside the oven.


Things were better at the studio, the others didn't really focuse on him as much as they were all trying to learn off the new choreography as fast as they could.

Namjoon hyung was the first to get it off, so he went to practise his rap.
Next Suga got it off so he went to the corner he dubbed his and if anyone else lay there, they would die, and lay down to sleep. Which would be impossible to wake him later.

Heseok hung learnt it off next and he went to Namjoon.

Then Jungkook, and he went to practise his vocals.

And then, Jimin hyung got it.

See? You're fat and good for nothing.

He decided not to fight with the voice and just keep going.
Thankfully Jimin stayed with him helping him to learn the dance off.

The others didn't need help. You're useless.

Again, he didn't fight with the voice.

"Tae, mabey you should take a break for a while, and then go back to tying to learn it off, ok?" Jimin said from beside him.

No! You need to get better!

"No thanks hyung. I want to learn this off now, so I can go with you and Jungkook to practise vocals."

You need to practise vocals too, not going to lie to you, but first learn the damn dance.

"Ok...you just need to get the last move and you're all done. It's jump, low then turn. Ok, got that?" Jimin demonstrated for Tae.

He moved so elegantly, it was so unfair.

"Ya, ok." Tae tried it again and out of luck he got it.

"Yes! Do you want to practise vocals now?"

Fine. You really need to, you're terrible at signing compared to Jimin.

"Ya, ok." Taehyung and Jimin started to sing together and to Jimin, Tae sounded amazing. He was like and angel.
But to Tae himself, he sounded like a frog. He needed to be like Jimin.


The front door opened at eleven pm and the team was tired beyond words.

You shouldn't be as tired as them, they did better than you.

"Taehyung, want some food?" Jin called from the kitchen.

"No thanks, I'm just going to go for a shower and go to bed." Tae called back. His throat hurt from signing and his legs ached from dancing.

Good. If you were better you wouldn't have needed to practise everything more.

The voice was right. If he was better, he wouldn't feel as bad now.
He just went for a shower and enjoyed the warm water drip down over his sore muscles and relaxed into the water and steam.

He got out fifteen minutes later and went to bed, ready to wake up to the same routine tomorrow morning.
But only tomorrow, he would try harder. Dance harder and sing harder. He needed to be better.

He wouldn't eat tomorrow if he had anything to do with it, and if he didn't get caught by his Hyungs or Maknae.

Good. You're learning. Good night Kim Taehyung, you worthless human.

As always the voice was right. That was the last thing he thought before he fell asleep.
Only to be awoken in seven hours to be pushed harder by it.

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