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Hello! Thank you for choosing this story to read. This is my first anime x reader so hopefully it wont turn out bad and rather interesting.

Y/N- your name
L/N- last name
F/F- favorite food
F/C- favorite color
E/C- eye color
H/L/C- hair length/color

you probably already know these but i added them just in case for those who dont!

your quirks:


ability: your quirk allows you to control the wind and she can fly by making wind underneath her feet as well as forming stuff such as bouncy blocks and strength using air.

weakness: overusing your quirk will make you nauseous and will cause you exhaustion


ability: this quirk has the ability to make an imaginary images, places and effects. they can scare off their opponents or make them feel trapped or pinned

weakness: if you decide to make an illusion of an effect, their quirk will not provide a sound

fault: you can only use up to 5 illusions at once, you can get major migraines if you overuse your quirk


you were born in a wealthy family to be exact, your parents are on the top 5 most powerful pro heroes, your parents met through a mission and later fell in love. you have an older sister named yuki. her quirk is similar to yours, she can manipulate the air flow and make her opponents suffocate by removing the oxygen around them. she can also levitate and lift lightweight objects into the air. she has a light pink hair and her height is 160. everyone knew who she was since she was the brightest student in her grade. She's close friends with the big 3 so they of course lnow you as well. You went to a wealthy school for the time being since you werent yet old enought to attend U.A.

Anyways!! i hope you enjoy the story <3

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