"It's Beautiful"

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"It's beautiful Emila!" A kindergarten teacher said cheerfully to one of her students. The student- Emila just showed her teacher, Miss.Bagbee a crayon drawing of her, her family and their family dog. "I think this deserves to go on the wall, Don't you think?" She said her warm smile never fell. "Yay!" The little girl cheered and hugged Miss.Bagbee's legs that were covered by her jeans. 

She walked over to the wall and hung the picture up next to dozens of other crayon drawings like it. She stood there for a moment and admired her students' work. The pictures consisted of mostly drawings of their families or them with her and the other teacher Mrs.Simpson. While she was looking at the pictures she was brought out of thought by the school's lockdown drill going off. She looked at Mrs.Simpson confused. Neither of them has been told of a lockdown drill but regardless they went on with the proper procedures.

 Mrs.Simpson covered the door windows with a large American flag and locked the door and Miss.Bagbee was closing the curtains. "Shh, calm down kids I'm sure it's just a drill, but we need to stay quite alright?" Mrs.Simpson said in a quiet and sweet voice as both teachers herded them into the corner. 

They sat there for around five minutes until loud slow footsteps were heard coming from down the hall. A few kids whimpered but told themselves  'It's just a drill. It's probably just the principle coming to check the doors like always.' The footsteps grew louder and louder until it stopped in front of the door. 

The door jiggled harshly like someone was trying to break it down, then it stopped for a few moments until a gunshot was heard breaking the door window and piercing a hole threw the flag. A bunch of kids screamed. 

A hand reached in, threw the window and opened the door. A man wearing a mask entered, threw the door and shot at the kids running around. One or two escaped but most were not as lucky. The man was laughing hysterically as he killed both of the teachers and the students. 

When he finished he looked down at all the dead bodies of the young children and their teachers. He looked at the wall with all the crayon drawings that were now splattered with the blood of the very students who drew them. He looked at each drawing carefully and looked at how the blood covered the drawings to the point where some of the drawings were unrecognizable "It's beautiful."  

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