Chimpanzee 2241

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Chimpanzee 2241

Test substance 8

1 tube dose

Day 12

No apparent change before or after tests.

I've been working in this lab for almost twelve years monitoring the most of twentytwo - thousand fourhundred and one chimpanzees. No this is not my story, I'm just one of the smart teens they hire convincing us to harm animals with the hope that we can 'change the world forever, create never ending abilities for all.' They told us we would be the heroes of the century if not the heroes of the world.

I believed it. I thought that I could help someone. Make the world a better place. I know now tho, they just wanted empty minded teenagers to do the deed. They did it right, I'm here doing exsactly what they want me to, against my will. When I first joined I had to sign heaps of contracts, one stating I would work here till my retirement. And that's why I'm still here. I can't leave, this is my job for fifty more years.

Everyday I wake up put on my lab gear and take the five minute stroll from the apartment to the work complex. We were all given a flat somewhere to live so close to work.

At first I thought this was another Great perk of taking the job. A free room which gets cleaned and stocked with food daily. Why wouldn't I want the job. All the money I earn goes into saving and the occasional treat.

In a way it feels like area 51. We're all out here in the middle of the country, disculeded from regular society. We're working on something most humans wouldn't believe or even understand the slightest.

They tell us we can't call our families as if anyone finds out about us and what we are doing people my try to destroy our association and us with it.

I had injected chimpanzee 2241 thirteen days ago, today I walk past it's cage 203. Looking in it sits there sleeping. Slowly I unhook it's lead and open the cage door. I write down on the clipboard in my left hand. 'No apparent change before tests.' Two tugs on the lead and 2241 does a startled jump before letting out a screeching cry for help. I hold it's lead using a rod to ensure the chimpanzee is no closer than a meter to me.

He walks obediently down the halls not even taking a glance at the other monkeys in there cages. I walk him into the exercise room to start with.

"Hey Mike," Ellie greats. "How's two two four one doing?"

In my opinion I would say Ellie is one of the rare few that feels the same as me. She hates hurting the animals and if she could this place would be burnt to the ground. But burning this place to the ground is burning her life and future with it. I don't know why Ellie ever agreed to this job, she seems to be one on those bring-peace-to-the-world types. The sort of person I could imagine going on strike about animal testing. Yet I never knew her before this, maybe this changed her, like it changed me.

"Yeah, he's doing okay. I can't see any changes tho, so we better hook him up to the machines." I say forcing a smile. Even tho I can tell she sees through my facade.

"Are you all right Mike?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I reassure that fake smile still plastered to my face.

Opening the draw she pulls out a large needle full of some kind of sleeping toxin.

"Hold the leach tight."

I hold the lead ready for his struggle. She lunges at the chimpanzee shoving the needle deep into his flesh. As fast as he can react he takes a spaz. He jumps up and down screeching and rips the needle from his forearm. Like every other day I hold on tight waiting for it to kick in. All of a sudden a wave a peacefulness fills him as he flops loose to the ground in a dead like manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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