Small steps to forgiveness

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[Name] faced the Catholics, a good meter distance between them. Trevor Belmont next but slightly behind him, whip already in his hand. [Name]'s only weapon was an rather old foil, some rust decoration the sheath. It wouldn't last long anymore, but for this fight it would.
Just their luck to run into damned church people—who were after his head just because he told the Church to fuck off with their obsession and fanatic fascism—and of course only his luck to run into fucking Trevor Belmont again. An encounter he really wasn't too keen on. He had to tolerate the asshole though, till they fight off the little Church army and could flee at least into the forest.

«Alrighty who wants to die first?» asked [Name] and moved his right foot behind his left, sword gripped tightly and pointed at his enemies.
One fool run towards them, daggers in each hand and ready to slice or stab them. [Name] was faster though, within just an eye blink he was gone and re-appears behind the fool and with a swift side stroke he be headed the foolish man. Blood splattering everywhere as the man fall to the ground.
After [Name] appeared in front of Trevor again, ready to take out the next one, all they heard were gaps of shock.

«What in the name of god are you? The son of the devil?!» asked and elder looking man, voice filled with pure anger, probably the leader of the small gang. [Name] blinked at him, wiping the blood of from his sword and face. He turned to Trevor,

«Did you hear that Trevor? And here I thought Catholics were supposed to be smart, to know everything! Apparently not. Can you believe that Trev? Hah! Quite disappointing.» he scoffed at the end, tracing the hilt of his sword out of boredom. Trevors lips turned upwards just a bit, wanting to answer [Name], decided against it though. It would be the best for the moment if he was more in the background right now, facing [Name]'s wrath and pure pissed anger is not something to take lightheartedly.

«Funny how you of all the people asks me who I am, when it was after all your beloved Church, the oh so holy Catholics, who stigmatised my family and me with that crest. Maybe if I show you remember me.» [Name] took off his overcoat, turned around and lifted up his shirt.

«You''re from the [Surname] family! But that's impossible! They should be all dead by now.» spoke a young boy, probably not older than fourteen. As [Name] turned around again, putting his sword back in its cover and cracking his knuckles. He had that sort of grin on his lips, a grin what could be almost described as bloodlust and merciless killing. There was also a glint in his (e/c) eyes, which told Trevor that the fight would be bloody.

«See Trev, another proving point that our dear Church is just purely incompetent and dumb. They can't even kill off all their targets correctly! What a real shame, don't cha think so too, you fools?» he laughed a bit and open his arms
«Come on boys! Here I am, alive and breathing. Now show me how good the Catholics are actually are with fighting.» taunting and provoking was a ugly trait of [Name].

«Kill him! Kill that bastard of the devil!» shouted the elderly man and took a few steps back. Coward.

[Name] just grinned at them.

The once brown muddy ground of mother earth, was now covered in blood

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The once brown muddy ground of mother earth, was now covered in blood. A sea of blood, organs, limps and bodies. In between the whole mess stood [Name] breathing heavily has he pointed his broken foil—it broke in half during an intense sword battle with an fifteen year old boy, he was good no doubt but [Name] was better.—at the cowardly elder man. He looked so frightening that he almost pitting him.
Trevor glanced at [Name], who's eyes were filled with so much iciness that Trevor regretted what he had done to him. This wasn't the [Name] he once knew, this wasn't his Husband he was married to. Lizzie was right when she told him that it was his fault.

«Any last words before I send you to hell?» voice devoid of any emotion, the broken sword piece pointed at the mens neck.
«Please! I beg you! Have mercy with me, please! God wouldn't forgive you, if you were to kill me!» whimpered he out.
«Hah, as if I would let you live. You know, god also wouldn't forgive you fool-»
«DIE!» screamed the man, ready to strike his dagger into [Name]'s heart. [Name] was faster though, ramming his broken foil into the mans neck, piercing him with it and sliced his neck from the inside. Be headed him in a cruel way.

Trevor chewed on his lips, night was already approaching and the fireplace just wouldn't work properly

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Trevor chewed on his lips, night was already approaching and the fireplace just wouldn't work properly. He gave up after the fifth try, sighing in defeat and took place next to [Name]. He notice how [Name] was shivering, his overcoat shredded to pieces after an encounter with an angry bear.  Trevor gulped taking his own heavy coat off, pulling [Name] close to him and draping the coat over them both again.
[Name] laid his head on Trevors shoulder, snuggling just a bit more into his side. Savouring the warmth he so much needed.
«If you believe I forgive you for what you have done to me, with that act of kindness of yours, than your wrong Belmont.» huffed [Name] out. Trevor chuckled before giving a peck onto [Name]'s head.
«I know, I know dear, but it's a small step to forgiveness and I thought that maybe we could try again»
«Perhaps, but your road to my forgiveness is long and I don't think it will ever be the same again.»
«I know»

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