Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

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Nico di Angelo could not wait until he started college.

There were only a few things that he hated more than the stupid social life of high school students, where he was of course, at the bottom of the pyramid while the popular jocks were far up there. So when he finally pulled out his car in the parking lot of his new apartment, he was mildly excited.

Just mildly.

Because Nico di Angelo didn't do those crappy things widely known as emotions.

He inserted his keys. The sound of the door being unlocked was like the first notes of a freedom song. Nico pushed the door open, and saw someone was already there in the common area of the 2-bedroom apartment.

A tall, skinny guy with blond hair turned his head from the TV screen. Once he saw Nico, the blond stood up and smiled at Nico.

"Oh, you must be the other tenant," he said as he made a beeline towards Nico. "I am Octavian. Pleased to meet you," he said, pulling Nico's hand to shake it.

Nico never believed in love at first sight. He believed in annoyed at the first sight. And that was exactly what he was feeling now.

Octavian was smiling at him but Nico could see how fake that smile was. Nauseating.

Octavian's fingers were long and thin and felt like overcooked spaghetti between his. Nico pulled his hand abruptly.

"Nico," he said. "Nico di Angelo."

He didn't bother saying pleased to meet you too because no, he didn't find meeting this guy to be a pleasant experience.

So why bother saying so?

Thankfully, a voice calling from the still opened door saved Nico from any obligation to continue the conversation.


Hazel stood in front of the door.

"We just got here and Frank parked his car next to yours," she said.

"Oh, that should be okay," Nico said.

He noticed how Hazel's eyes moved to Octavian who was standing next to him.

"Oh, yeah," he said, turning his head to Octavian. "That's my sister. Hazel."

Octavian raised an eyebrow skeptically, like he didn't really believe in what Nico just said. Nico didn't really care, though. He's used to getting that kind of reaction. The contrast between his pale skin and Hazel's dark one was something that made people ad that questioning look whenever they said that they were siblings.

Hazel also had get used to it too, but of course, she handled it better than Nico. She took two steps forward and stretched her hand out to Octavian, along with a friendly smile.

"Hello," she greeted him. "Are you Nico's roommate? I am Hazel, pleased to meet you."

The smile returned to Octavian's lips. Still a wide one, still a fake one. And at the border of a flirtatious one.

"Hello, I'm Octavian. And yes, I am your brother's roommate."

"Hazel, Nico?"

Frank stood by the door, his bulky figure almost blocking half of the light from the window. Hazel quickly took a few steps to stand next to him. Octavian stared at Frank for a second or two before looked back at Nico. There was a strange, borderline mocking expression in his eyes.

'Don't tell me that this is your brother?" Octavian asked.

Nico snorted and shook his head. "Nope. He's Hazel's boyfriend."

I Like Me Better when I'm With You (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now