*insert punny title here*

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*hermione and sirius are headed to the monthly-ish Weasley get-together btw*

(And also trigger warning?)

"Mia, we've got to get going!" Sirius called up the stairs, brushing basically invisible dust off his button-down shirt. Hermione came racing down the stairs, or as close as a girl in heels could get to racing, a few moments later, struggling to get her hair up while still making it down the stairs. Hermione released the hairtie with a snap around her hair, that was styled in a high ponytail, the curls of her hair adding a certain flare to the style. She wore a simple black short-sleeved shirt with a neckline that swung low, showing just a bit of cleavage, and a pair of jean shorts, along with a pair of black wedge boots. "Alright, lets get going," Hermione said with a breath and a quick glance at the window for her reflection. "You look beautiful, Hermione." Hermione nudged Sirius gently.

"Please, you always say that. But you don't look so bad yourself," Hermione replied, a small smile on her face. "Well, that's because its true." Hermione slipped her hand into Sirius's and prepared for the strange feeling that was sidelong apparating. In the blink of an eye, she and Sirius stood in front of The Burrow, joyous shouts coming from children in the backyard, and small talk happening between the adults. "Shall we?" Hermione smirked and pushed open the door to what had to be one of her favorite places besides Hogwarts.

Hermione blinked, a memory flooding her mind. "Hermione, dear, you know you're always welcome to stay with us at the burrow," Hermione smiled gratefully at Molly Weasley. "Thank you, Molly, really. I love it here, I do! But I'm just not sure I could handle being here all the time. Not with so many people here all at once." Molly nodded. "That's completely understandable, dear. Are you sure this isn't about Ron-?" Hermione cringed slightly. "No, its not about that. Thank you for being worried though. I should really get going now, thank you for tea!"

Hermione made her way out the door, tears brimming at her eyes. Once out of sight, she sank to the ground with a sob. "Three years. Three fucking years we dated. And he went and cheated on me with Lavender of all people," Hermione laughed to herself. "Guess little old smart-ass bookworm wasn't good enough for him, huh? Is that what it was? Or did he just never love me!" Hermione let out deep sobs, tears running down her face as she clawed at her scalp with her hands. "I'd be better off dead, if no one can love me.." Hermione's heart hammered in her chest as she reached down for the pocket knife she kept on her at all times. Bleary-eyed, she ran the knife time after time along her arm, drops of blood collecting on the small blade. Hermione choked on her tears, the pocket knife falling to the ground behind her.

"Shit," Hermione cursed under her breath when she noticed the blood pooling in the grass below her arm. With a shakey breath, she dug into her pocket and pulled out her phone, calling the first person she thought of. "Harry," Hermione paused. "Harry, I- I did something really bad. I need help, please...I don't think I can apparate." Hermione heard Harry say he'd be there soon in a panic, then hung up and let her phone drop to the ground beside her. She leaned against the wall behind her, tears pooling in her eyes, energy draining from her body. A few minutes later, there was a pop next to her, and Harry rushed to her side.

"Hermione, what did you do! Shit," Hermione leaned into Harry's arms, her heart rate audibly slowing by the minute. "Harry...please don't-" Harry picked Hermione up bridal-style carefully, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. "Please don't tell anyone..." Harry looked at Hermione, his brows furrowed. After a moment, he replied. "...yeah, okay. I won't," With that, Harry apparated away with a pop, rushing to get Hermione the help she needed.

Hermione's breath caught in her throat, her hand falling from Sirius's and gripping at her other arm. Her heart pumped in her chest, and suddenly she couldn't breathe. It was as if the room was simultaneously spinning and getting a little too small for comfort. Hermione backed up slightly, unaware that Sirius had noticed the panic in her eyes. Hermione's back hit the door, and she opened it as fast as she could and ran outside, stumbling slightly as she reached the large grass clearing. "Hermione?" Sirius called after Hermione, tempted to chase after her. Tears poured down Hermione's face as she rocked back and forth in the grass, her arms holding her knees close to her chest, her head leaned forward. She pulled out her phone after a moment, shakilly typing a text to Harry.

Inside, Harry heard his phone chime, and stepped away from the conversation he was in to check it. 'Help' was all he saw, and he immediately ran towards the front door, searching for Hermione. He raced past Sirius, who called after him. "Harry, what's going on?" Harry didn't respond, instead spotting Hermione in the field and immediately racing past Sirius and towards Hermione.

"Hermione, what happened? Did you do anything?" Harry kneeled next to Hermione and questioned his shaking friend softly, checking her arms in the process. "No, no I-" Hermione choked on her words, tears cascading down her cheeks. "I didn't do anything...Harry- I-I can't handle being in there!" Hermione lept at Harry, burrying her face in his neck with a sob. Harry rubbed at Hermione's back gently, trying to calm her down.

"Harry, Hermione, what's going on?" Sirius asked once he reached the pair, a worried look on his face. "Uh. She-" Hermione sobbed quietly, still slightly shaking. "H-Harry you promised-" "I know, I know...but I think he needs to know." Hermione sighed, leaning back from Harry. "Sirius, its really a long story. Do you know why her and Ron broke up?" Sirius shook his head. "I'll start from square one, then. Ron cheated on her with Lavender." Sirius, nodded slowly, struggling to connect that to why Hermione was a mess at the moment.

"Before you offered to let her live with you, Molly offered to let her stay here. Of course, she didn't know why Hermione and Ron and split up, only that they had." Hermione tensed up slightly, knowing what was coming next. "According to Hermione, she left soon after, her emotions getting the better of her. It leaves a scar, you know, on your heart. For someone you thought loved you to go and sleep with their ex." Sirius nodded, watching tears fall slowly down Hermione's cheeks. "She was a wreck, mentally, physically, and emotionally. So she ran out to the field, and she- well, she cut herself...a lot." Hermione looked away from Sirius, not bearing eye contact with him.

"She called me, and I rushed her to Saint Mungo's. She could have died, Sirius, if she hadn't called me. She hasn't been back here at the same time as Ron since then, so this must have triggered something in her mind. She had me promise not to tell anyone why or that she nearly committed suicide, but here I am, telling you." Sirius blinked, looking over to Hermione, who seemed defeated by Sirius knowing such a dark secret. "So I didn't tell anyone. Until now, that is. She lets me know any time she has a panic attack, much like what just happened, because it could easily lead to her harming herself again."

Sirius nodded, feeling the urge to pull Hermione close to him, to show her how much she means to him. But he couldn't, not with Harry next to them. "Hermione, you feeling a bit better?" Hermione nodded slowly, finally looking up to look at Harry. "Can I borrow your coat for a while, Harry?" Harry smiled softly and took off his coat, handing it to Hermione, who took it gratefully.

"No pressure to come in, but Molly and Gin would love to see you. If you're feeling ready for it." Harry gave Hermione a gentle hug, then stood up to head back inside. Sirius remained there for a moment, working out what to say to Hermione. "Sirius, I...I didn't want you to know. Its disgusting, what I do to myself. I haven't done it for a while, and I thought I would be okay, but-" Sirius pulled Hermione up and pressed his lips to hers, cutting of what she was saying.

"Hermione, you don't need to explain this to me. I can tell he hurt you, and thats all the explanation I need. I love you, Hermione Granger, and that's all that matters. I'm here for you." Hermione teared up again, wrapping her arms around Sirius and burying her head into his chest. Sirius placed a kiss to her head, holding her close. "Can we go home, Sirius? I don't think I'm ready for this yet," Sirius nodded and apparated away, still holding Hermione close.

just another sirius x hermione oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now