These are not mine?

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Hey guys!

This is my first story so comment what you think of it.... 

<3 Georgia


        I awoke to the sound of feet pounding outside my room. As I sat up in the bed, the first thing I noticed was that this was not my bed and these were not my pjs. "Ahhhh...!" I screamed. "she up, Sammy's up, mom." The voice sounded like a 6 year old boy. Ignoring the voice, I stopped screaming and looked around the room I was in.

It was a light blue room with tons of band posters covering the walls; whoever room this was had good taste in music I concluded after seeing the Bon Jovi, AC/DC, and Nirvana posters. There was a white dresser which had a record player and records strewn across the top of it. The closet was open and I could see many plaid flannel shirts sticking out. Great this person was a lot like me I thought as I rolled  out of bed hitting a white carpet. Lucky for me I grumbled shocked. I know it sounds weird that I wasn't freaking out right now like a normal person, but hey I might as well take advantage of the room, right?

I pulled off the flannel pj pants and Henley top and changed into a pair of ripped black jeans and a oversized flannel top. There were a pair of purple combat boots sitting at the floor of my bed so I pulled those of too without hesitation. They boots had little cuts in the rubber, strange I wondered aloud. They fit like a glove, perfect I thought to myself. Next I sat on the purple bed and tried to remember what had happened. Had I gotten drunk and couldn't remember because of that? I thought for another 20 minutes before giving up when my stomach signaled it was breakfast time. "Lets see if this house has food, shall we," I mumbled to myself. 

I opened the door and just about fell backwards; there was a group of boys standing right there in the hallway. I stared open mouthed for a good 5 minutes before the oldest looking one introduced himself. The first thing I noticed about him was that he was well... HOT! like really hot, supermodel hot. what on earth was a supermodel doing in this house? "Hey Sammy, I'm Finn I'm 17, that's Alex...." he went on for awhile but i barely caught any of the names as they whizzed by my head. I was too focused on all the boys surrounding me. A lot of them looked bored and not at all interested in the strange girl that just stepped out of the bedroom in front of them. When Finn finished, he had rattled off about 20 names. I caught a few, Alex Zach, Bake, Finn, Caleb, and James; the rest were lost to me. Oh well I sighed I would just have to focus later if I was staying.

I must have been thinking a while because a boy, Alex I think, punched me. Shocked I fell back and would've hit my head on the ground if Finn hadn't caught me. Finn shot Alex a glare before stating, "what he meant to say was, are you hungry because breakfast is downstairs, is you want some, Sammy." I mumbled a quick reply of yes before realizing that Finn had said my name. "Wait! you know my name!" I blurted out, "are you guys serial killers because I'm pretty strong and I could totally the crap out of you guys." The boys stared at me like they knew I was going to say that and laughed, then went down the hall to the stairs. I followed assuming they lead the kitchen for food and maybe an adult to help me. 

Down the stairs, around a bend, up some more stairs and down another hallway finally lead to the kitchen. At least I was assuming it was the kitchen because well all the boys in it had food in hand. There were even more boys middling about the large room in front of me. Many of the boys said hi to me as if they knew me. This place was weird and I was starting to worry and get anxious. I seriously didn't want to have a panic attack in front of all the boys so i took a deep breath and followed Finn. Looking around the room I noticed that the boys were all ages and looked totally at home in the large home. 

Finn stopped walking suddenly and I nearly ran him over. We were in a room that looked like a study. It was a brown room that had a large window in the back. the window showed a beautiful country side but I could make out a couple houses on the distant hills. the room had a solid brown desk and pictures of many of the boys in the home hanging on the wall. Finn motioned to a chair and told me to wait for Xavier and Mary to come see me. I presumed these people were in charge of the house I was in.

Sitting in the silence scared me a little, patted my pocket I found a picture in the pocket; it was of Finn, the boy named Alex, the boy named Caleb, and I. I gasped and dropped the picture. What was this place and why was I here?! I don't remember anything! The panic set in and I bolted from the room. I burst out the front door of the house and ran. I knew this road, I had been here before. My feet led the way to a tree house, I climbed up. Rocking back and forth I tried to remember anything, anything at all. All I could remember was my name: Sammy. Shocked and scared I laid down and passed out. Just before sleep took me I heard the words that scared me the most of all, "Sammy!!! Not again, How much more!!!"


So what did you guys think?

I hope you liked the first chapter! Whats gonna happen to Sammy? guesses??? 

Anyway i'll update it soon

<3 Georgia

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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