Chapter 1

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Bakuguo's POV

"If you really want to become a hero, then pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof a the building" I said to Deku then watched him run out of the class room. I didn't think he would actually do it, I just thought he ran to get his note book which I had thrown out the window. When I went out side I saw him standing at the top of the building. Before I could even do anything he jumped and I watched him hit the ground. I stood there in shock for a second, I couldn't believe he actually jumped it was only a joke.

   As soon as I processed what I had saw I ran to the side of the school were he fell and just hoped he was alive. Then I saw him he was on the concrete his head was bleeding and some of his bones were obviously broken. I knelt by his body and just whispered "I'm sorry, I never meant for it to go this far" tears began streaming down my face. I just sat there crying for about ten minutes. I got up still crying and when I walked past the small pool where his note book had landed, I picked it out and started crying even harder as I dried it off on my shirt. "He was gone and it was my fault, but at least I had the memory of his dream to haunt my or to remember our once friendship" I thought as I placed his note book in my backpack.

   I began walking home still thinking about it, but beginning to not cry as hard. My friends had already left so all could do was think about what a terrible person was and how I destroyed Deku's life.

   When I got home I went upstairs to my room closed my door, laid on my bed, starting at the ceiling, crying, and thinking about what had happened.

   An hour later I felt a strange feeling like I was being watched, it ran through my heart. I was way to sad to care, so I just pulled up my covers and continued thinking about Deku.

   I woke up the next, I didn't remember falling asleep. I just got ready for school and kind of hoped no one knew what had happened. I just didn't want to cry in front of everyone. I thought about Deku the whole way to class. When I got there everyone was looking at me like I was a psychopath and when I tried to talk to my friends they just walked away. It kind of hurt to have everyone look at you like you didn't belong, but deep down I knew I deserved it after all that's how I made Deku feel all the time.

   The bell rang and class started. I couldn't even focus on what the teacher was saying. Then I heard a whisper in my right ear "katchan" it whispered angrily, it sounded a lot lot like Deku but that was impossible maybe I was just thinking too hard I told myself and tried to concentrate on school.

   During fourth period I heard the voice again and it said "are you really sorry?" I wanted to reply and say yes and apologize again, but was in the middle of class and I couldn't just start talking to myself.

   I went through the rest of the day with out hearing the voice again. When I got home I did my homework and got ready for bed. As soon as I laid down I heard him again and this time I saw a shadow flash across the door and above my bed as the voice said "Katchan you killed me."

I just whispered back "I'm sorry" and I tried to fall asleep. Eventually I did and when I woke I got ready for school.

Today was Friday so tomorrow was the weekend. I got ready for school and left. As I was walking to school I remembered I never took Deku's note book out of my bag. I decided to leave it there just in case he wasn't dead and I could give it to him, even though I saw his body and knew he was dead.

When I got to school I tried to approach my friends again and this time one of them said "I told you, you were being to harsh and now he's dead" I held back my tears, I knew he was right. Maybe if I would have listened and apologized then Deku would still be alive. I just left, I didn't have friends anymore and I didn't deserve to.

Class felt like they were a million years till lunch because I just kept thinking about it.

At lunch I could hear people talking about what had happened.
"He really bullied him for that long"
"I bet he's only sad because if the school find out he can't get into UA"
"I heard a student buried the body on school grounds"
"He's basically a murderer"
"Can't you go to jail for that"
"He deserves to die"
"Can you believe the teachers don't know"
"He's probably happy the 'competition's' gone"
"Stay away from him, he'll probably start bullying you"

"I wish I could take everything back, Deku wanted to be my friend and now he's gone" I thought and then the bell rang. I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole rest of the day.

I got home and didn't even do my homework, I just put my backpack down and laid in bed.I felt his presence like he was right there then my backpack fell from the way it was sitting. Maybe it was just gravity. I soon fell asleep,and slept till noon. I woke up to my mom yelling at me to do chores. I just yelled back "I'll do them later you hag"

"Katsuki your going to do them now"

"Fine" I did all my chores and went back to my room I tried to talk talk to Deku or at least his ghost, but no one answered maybe it really was just in my head.

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