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Jisung's POV

The hyungs keep on asking themselves questions, trying to connect that question to another.

After what Jeno hyung asked Donghyuck, I didn't talk anymore. I just listened to their whisper-rambling. Of course, I also took in what they were saying so that I could help them.

"Just consider that the monsters are already there," Chenle said, finally standing up from the floor. "How did she manage to make our monsters wake up?" He asked.

"Holy spirit," Donghyuck hyung gasped, replacing the bad word with a holier one. His brows then furrowed. "Wait, I already answered that back then. She has the most powerful monster among us and ours can't disobey hers."

Chenle sighed. "Oh, right. But how did she manage to pass this.. curse to Jaemin hyung? Did she want to continue something?" Jeno hyung shook his head. "No. Maybe she or Jaemin wants us to remember the mistake we made."

"Damn it." Renjun hyung wasn't able to stop himself and he punched the wall. A feather fell from his wings. "How is what we don't know yet. Why did she choose Jaemin instead of you or Renjun hyung?" Donghyuck hyung asked to Jeno.

He shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm certain that I'm thankful she didn't choose me." My eyes widened when a possibility came in my mind. "Wait," They looked at me.

"What if.. what if she chose Jaemin hyung because he has the least faults back then? Remember, he was forced to play with us." Chenle covered his mouth in shock. "Then how did she get a powerful monster when she didn't even play the games?!"

"Chenle, quiet down..!" Renjun hyung scolded. I continued, "And now.. Jaemin hyung has the upper hand, forcing us to play this game. He has us wrapped around his fingers..." I said and my voice trailed off.

"Okay, holy shit," Donghyuck hyung exclaimed and a feather fell. He clapped his hands once, which made me jump, and raised his index finger. "All is left now is how she passed it to him.. even though there's a possibility we might not answer that." He said.

We nodded in agreement.

The room suddenly became dark, our candles blown out.


We heard Jaemin hyung counting.


We immediately pulled out our lighters and turned it on.


The candlelight returned. Jaemin hyung stopped.

Renjun hyung slid his lighter back inside his pockets. "It's best we leave. Jaemin is probably around the place. We should avoid him." We stood up and got ready to leave the room.

Donghyuck hyung was nearest to the door. He held the knob. "On my lead," He said. We waited for him to open the door and say that the coast is clear.

He slowly pulled the door open.

Chenle's scream erupted when we saw Satan touch Donghyuck hyung, a deadly smile visible on his face.

"You're 'it'."

We scrambled out of the door and Jeno hyung pulled Mark hyung's arm. I tried not to step on their wings and they tried to do the same. Fortunately, we got out just in time when Asmodeus took over Donghyuck hyung's body.

"No! We lost someone smart." Renjun hyung groaned. Chenle pinched his side and pointed at me. "We still have Jisung." I blushed because of what he said. Did he just say that I'm smart?

I shook my head. I have to use my brains to those questions that needs to be answered. They would also contribute to the theory or theories we're going to come up soon as soon as we finish answering the questions.

We went upstairs and hid in another room. Jeno hyung and I closed the doors while Renjun placed Mark hyung down on the floor. "You okay?" He asked. Our oldest hyung massaged his forehead before nodding.

"Ugh, I'm going to apologize to Donghyuck later," He mumbled and looked up at us. "Did you guys try to make up theories or whatever?" He asked.

"About that, we're just starting. Where were we again?" He asked and looked at us for support. Chenle snapped his fingers. "Jisung finished explaining that she chose Jaemin hyung because he was at less fault during the games."

Mark hyung raised a brow. "What ga.." His sentence trailed off when all of us gave him a look. His mouth formed into an 'o'. "Oh. Okay." He said and hissed, tilting his head to the side.

We fell into silence, thinking about more questions to throw at ourselves. "Oh, the last question was why she chose Jaemin and that has been answered," Jeno hyung reminded us.

I explained to Mark hyung the questions and answers that we had from the earlier discussion so he could have an idea. He nodded with shocked expressions as I told him. The others continued to make up questions.

When I was done, the both of us paid our attention to the others and joined the question party. "Wait," Renjun hyung raised his hand. "Why is it 'demon inside your head' rather than 'monsters under your bed'? Why are our monsters victims? Why are they not included?"

I rubbed my chin. "For the last question, I think it's because we just had to get rid of the monster she had and now, they're no longer bothering us." I explained.

"Why does Jaemin has two demons?"

With mouth agape, we stared at Mark hyung. He looked at us and shrugged. "Seriously, why does he has two demons? He has Charlie and Lucifer and we all have one." I covered my mouth and tried to find an answer.

"One of them was hers," Jeno hyung said. We raised a brow. He repeated what was mentioned, "One of those two demons was hers. Jaemin had one, but she passed something to him that made him have two demons."

"Maybe what she really passed was her monster," Our attention turned to Chenle hyung. "But like.. they became demons..? Or demons replaced them?" He said in a confused tone. We were also stupefied because of what he was trying to point out.

"Why did the demons replace our monsters?" I asked. "I think it's because, you know, our monsters retired and they probably took their places." Mark hyung said.

"Or.." Renjun hyung started, his eyes wide. "That time already came." We raised our brows at him. "What do you mean, hyung?" Chenle asked.

He clicked his tongue. "The message after the games.." Our jaw dropped, realizing what he said. "..That they will be the ones to mess with us this time."

Mark hyung gasped. "The message from the—" Jeno hyung cut him off. "Yes," He sighed.

"From those spirits."

I grumbled lowly. "And instead.. the demons came for us."

We heard a clap in the middle of the room. We aimed our candlelight there and saw Jaemin hyung still in his black-red suit.

"Already on the road to the answers.. Very well. All of you never failed to impress me," He glared at us. "But they're not enough." He disappeared and then our candlelights blew out.



We fumbled over our pockets and pulled out our lighters.



The light of the candle returned and Jaemin hyung stopped counting.

I was going to sigh when we heard that voice..

"You're 'it'."

I turned around and Asmodeus touched Chenle's back. "Hurry, grab Donghyuck!" Mark said. Since I was the nearest, I immediately pulled his arm and we went out of the room, leaving the possessed Chenle behind.


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