Chapter 1

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-may 24th 2020-

Im on my way to my best friend Emily. She lives accross town so i have to drive half an hour to reach her house. I don't mind the long drive, but today everything bothers me.

Right now im standing in front of a traffic light. Those damn things. They always drive me crazy because i have to wait 927475828374 hours before the light turns green. Ughhh.

So as usual, i'm standing there for like 10 minutes when the damn thing finally jumps to green, and Some huge truck next to me pulls up immediately. This movement causes a very loud bang and i'm scared to death. I hear some people screaming at the guys inside the truck because they are driving super reckless.

My God...


When i arrive at Emily's house, i see that she's zitting outside ..

With a boy!!

Immediately a smile appears. She did not tell me this! And Since when is she inviting boys over for Some tea when she's already invited me?

I park my car and sneak to the backyard. At first im running cause i can't wait to meet het secret boyfriend, but I slow down when i hear what they're talking about.

'Yeah, but i invited my friend Teresa to come over. She can be here Any minute now.'

'Do you want me to leave? I have Some friends in the neighborhood,'

'No, no, you can stay. I want you to meet her, cause you have been staying here now for a couple of days and sooner or later she's going to find out anyway.'

Nooooo... NOO WAY...


MY God, what has she done? You'll see she'll be pregnant next month ...

My lord, help me not to attack this random dude that my best friend had been living with for the past days and she hasn't told me about!!

Okay, if you want to meet him, you have to walk in that yard right now.

'Teresa come out wherever you are, i know you are there.' Emily says it like im standing right in front of her.

Slowly i Place one foot in front of the other, and i look around the corner to see what the boy actually looks like.


I get that she hasn't told me about him, he's hot!

My face immediately turns red when i lay my eyes on him.


Don't Forget what he is doing here and that he has been living with Emily for the past days while they probably don't even know each other that well.

'How did you know I was here?' Is what I ask her after i smiled at the boy.

'Its sort of a gift, I just..'

'' I finish her sentence. 'You always with your 'gift', that's bullshit and you know it Emily,'

We laugh.

'Hey, aren't you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?' I say, while i nod my head in his direction.

They both look at me like I'm crazy.

Wait a minute.


They are related..

Yes they are. I can see the similarities. They both have green eyes, and brown hair. Their nose is also quite the same.

I look at them, and say: 'you guys are related, aren't ya,'

They both nod.

'Yes we are, let me introduce you to my brother,' she says.

I shake his hand. 'Hi, I'm Teresa, but you probably already know that.'

He grins and says: 'yes I did, and I'm Benjamin but you can call me Ben,'

'Right.' I look at Emily and i hope she will say anything to leave this awkward conversation, for now and for always.

She gets my hint and starts talking about what clothes she bought last week.

'And its such a pretty colour omg, you should totally buy this skirt, i also bought a sweater and its so cute, wait come on, i'll show you.'

'Okay, but what about ben, cause we are leaving him right now and its not very kind because i come here everyday and he is here for a few days,  shouldn't  you spent more time with him?'

'Your so right, im sorry Ben, would you like to join us to look at my clothes?' She laughes.

'No thanks, im good,' he laughes back.

I smile at him and turn around, im very curious to see what kind of clothes she bought because i need some more to. She always inspires me to buy stuff so i really want to see it.


This was my first story, i would love to know what you guys think of this new story and how i should develop it. Hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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