Technical Difficulties

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Clare pulled her designer suitcase to the trolley and had the desk manager lay it on the belt. She then had her ticket checked. "Flight back to Dublin ma'am?" The American airport worker asked. "Yes, going to go to my sister's wedding." Her accent was thick and she could imagine how the poor woman felt trying to make out exactly what was said. The woman smiled and handed a stamped ticket back to Clare. 'Here I go', she thought as she walked briskly to the proper gate. She sat down nervously in her assigned seat. An older man sat next to her, looking tired and ready to get home. "I'm so nervous on planes, see I'm goin to my sister's wedding, my boyfriend's meetin me thar 'n I do see an engagement ring in the near future!" She babbled continuously until the old man cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I'm terribly sorry, I really am." He nodded in a forgiving way and chuckle lightly laying his head back. As the flight continued Clare tried her hardest to fall asleep. She had been told recently (by her sister) that Her boyfriend Jack (an American man with a rich history and family) had been seen leaving a jewelry store with a ring box. Clare was so excited! Jack and Clare had been dating for 3 years! It seemed like ages to her though! Suddenly there was a binging noise, pulling Clare out of her daydream. *bing bing* "attention ladies and gentlemen, there's a bit of bad weather ahead so there may be some turbulence. Do not be alarmed." The pilot was American as far as Clare could tell. She braced herself for the turbulence that lay ahead. Suddenly the plane jolted up and then down as the oxygen masks fell down. "Oh! Oh my! Just remember Clare! You're getin' engaged! You will be okay!" The pilot began to speak again as the plane jolted even more. "We'll be landing for an emergency lading, this storm is worse than we first thought." Clare sighed and began to mutter about how she had to get to Dublin by her sister's wedding. As soon as the plane landed Clare marched straight to the trolley to grab her luxury suitcase. She wheeled it up to the front desk where two women stood talking back and forth quickly. "Excuse me, I need to get to Dublin." The women looked up at Clare and smirked "all flights are shut down ma'am." Clare sighed "you don't understand. I need to get there by March 15th for my sisters wedding. That's in 4 days!" They both laughed at Clare quietly as the brunette turned to the blonde, "well 'scuse me Amy, could we possibly use our magic to clear the entire sky and runway to get this poor girl to Dublin?" They both laughed as Clare sped away from them. She pulled her cellphone out. It was nothing fancy like an iPhone or anything, just a simple Blackberry. She dialed in the number mounted on a wall for a bus station. "Yes excuse me, do ya happen to have and busses leaving for Dublin at the moment?" The man on the other side told her where to go to get to the bus stop, and she hung up. As soon as Clare was on the bus, she was sent to the next airport due to poor weather on the ground. She huffed as she searched for other ways to get to Dublin. That was when she found a boat service that could go all the way around to get to Dublin. Clare paid the sailor as he dropped her off on a beach because he couldn't go any further. She sighed as she turned around. The rain poured down over her and all over her luxury suitcase. She groaned as she trudged up the hill in front of her. As soon as she got into the nearest building (a pub with a restaurant) she found a map with a little red sticker saying 'YOU ARE HERE'. She frowned when she saw she ha all of Emerald Isle between her and Dublin. See Clare was born an raised in Dublin, but then went to school in America. She was an interior design major, with a long line of couches and chairs and any other living space furniture. That's what she did for a living, designed furniture. Each thing was a one-of-a-kind custom-made item. She was quite proud of her work. Especially after Jack joined her by helping sell the furniture. There was a faint cough as one of the men sitting at the bar looked at Clare. She shook her head slightly to clear her thoughts, as she made her way to the bar. The bar tender stood in front of her, pouring drinks for the two men in front of him. In fact they were the only two men in here (minus Claude, but he was so drunk he'd passed out into his drink.) besides the bar tender. "Uh 'scuse me sir, I need a cab to get to Dublin." The older men glanced at each other in an unreadable way, then at the tender, then at Clare. The tender passed her a card with a number on it. She walked over to the phone she'd seen under the map. She began to dial the number and then waited. "Hullo?" A deep male voice said. Clare sighed with relief "yes hello I need a ride to Dublin." The man spoke again "where from?" She sighed as she looked for a name, "it's some pub in the middle of a tiny village, it's called O' Donnel's." The man shifted on the other side before answering "I'm sorry I don't drive lost women with red hair." She scoffed "how do do you know what color my hair i-" she looked up slightly to see the tender with a phone in his hand laughing. "Well I never!" She gasped as she marched up to him. "I need that ride!" He smirked "we're closed for the night, we leave tomorrow. In the mean time we have a spare room upstairs." She frowned. She knew she really needed to get to Dublin ASAP. Oh well. When she got to the room she began the search for a plug. Upon finding one behind the bed she began moving the bed. As she moved, dust and paint chips fell onto the bar tender Deacon's black curly hair and his customers. Suddenly the bed hit a lamp causing it to fall and break. Clare gasped as the falling lamp hit a table which hit a wardrobe causing it all to fall forward. She sat down and picked up a picture that had fallen. Deacon ran upstairs to find a destroyed room. "What the hell 'r you doin' up har?" Clare though was busy looking at a picture of Deacon and a girl and another man. "Give that to me! It's personal." He removed the picture from Clare's hand. She looked at him nervously "I'm trying to charge my phone, it wouldn't fit behind the bed." He held his hand out for the phone. After Clare handed it to him, he walked to the outlet and pushed it into the adapter piece before pushing the adapter into the wall. Sparks flew as he did so, and the whole village went dark. "You fried my phone!" I yelled looking at my poor destroyed cell phone. "And you fried the town!" Deacon sighed and shook his head.

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