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My A/N: I don't own this chapter or any of the HP character's, the Harry Potter character's and places belong to JK Rowling and the chapter belongs to FantasyFanfic101

He had heard about the abuse to the young Potter child, being neglected, ignored, and simply, not loved. They favoured one over the other, and for Salazar's sake, he detested it. Voldemort, the believed dark lord, was standing outside of the Potter's home.

This was the night. The night that would change both his and the world's future. He was going to take the young child named Harold. Most wizards and witches would think he had bad intentions, but that wasn't true. His only interest for the child was the want to give the small being something he himself didn't have as a kid; a family who loved him.

The man had made his way to the house, wand at the ready, for he knew they were bound to attack, he was the Dark Lord after all. He knocked, the door opened, curses flew.

There standing inches away from the door was James Potter. His face read disgust. There was no real surprise in this, after all Tom's complexion wasn't the prettiest.

"What do you want?!" Was yelled by the man.

Tom was quick to respond.

"The child!"

Rushed footsteps were heard, soon Lily Potter had joined the pair.

"You aren't taking my Alex, I won't let you!"

The wizard scoffed, "Not that one you idiot, I want your son Harold."

James and Lily shared a quick glance, then hurriedly, the man went up to get the child. Of course due to its innocence, the child merely smiled, for he was receiving the attention he oh so desperately needed and wanted.

The man swiftly handed the baby to the Dark Lord.

"Now go! Don't come back!"

Tom shook his head, cradling the young boy in his arms. He was very clearly malnourished and beaten.

"You disgust me!" The man held the boy up, he wanted the couple to see him. "Look at him! The poor child is bruised and ill-fed. You neglected him! And now your easily giving him up?!"

"You've got what you want! Now leave!" Lily finally screamed out.

The young woman was clearly angry, but so was the Dark Lord.

"You careless fools!"

The man elegantly strode out of Potter Manner. Though, before apparating away, he made sure he had the boy in a tight, yet comfortable, hold.

"For both your sakes, let's hope we never meet again!"

With that, the man apparated back to his home, the now sleeping baby still in his arms.


A shadowed figure rushed up to Tom.

"You're back." Worry laced the voice.

"I am indeed." Replied the Dark Lord

"How's the child?"


The two wizards looked down at the boy. None of the two men wanted to talk about his ill treatment from the Potters.

There was a small silence.

"Is he ours now?"

Letting out a sigh, Tom answered.

"Yes, Severus, he is now our child."

"Welcome to the family, Harold Snape Riddle." Severus spoke softly.

From that day forth Harold had a family who truly cared.

Word Count: 500

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