Short Epilogue

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Elsa ran inside and to her room. She fwumped onto the bed and cried till she had no more tears. She got up made herself look presentable and attended to her duties. Once she was finished she skipped dinner and went to her room. She laid down on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

This went on and on every morning Elsa would wake up and cry then she would attend to her duties and return to bed. There she would cry herself to sleep. Days turned into weeks weeks turned into months and months turned into years.


60 years after Loki left Elsa is dying (Elsa is 82, Anna is 79 and, Olaf is 61 and Kristoff died a year before)

Elsa never found love. She spent every day longing for Loki and missing him. She lived a long sad life. Anna and Kristoff lived a very happy life with three children. But there wasn't a day that went when Anna wasn't worried about Elsa. She tried to make Elsa's life as happy as possible.  

"Goodbye, Anna." Anna is in a chair by Elsa's bed. She's crying. "Don't cry." Olaf walks in and is melting. " I'm sorry Olaf. Once I die you'll die too. There won't be any magic to keep you alive." Olaf walks up to Elsa's bed. "It's ok Elsa. We both got to live for a long time." Elsa smiles at Olaf. "If you ever see Loki tell him I love him." And with that Elsa passes, Olaf melts, and Anna embraces Elsa and weeps. "No, you can't leave me. Please don't go. I love you, Elsa. I can't lose you too. Please don't be dead."


Odin whiped Loki's memory of Midgard. He sent Loki back to the dungeons. He spent his whole life feeling like something was missing but never knew what it was.

As Loki's being choked by Thanos

"You... will never... be a god." Just as Loki is dying he figures out what was missing. Elsa. All of his memories of Elsa come flooding back. The life he could have had. He sees Elsa's die. He gives up and lets himself die.



Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for the sad ending. I hope you enjoyed! I'd like to thank Lokis-queen26  for helping me with this story. ;) Sorry the ending was so rushed, I didn't feel like the story was going anywhere. Love y'all!

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