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Jeongyeon's P.O.V

Im here currently at my room. My roommate is Hirai Momo. We just got debuted a month ago thanks to our jyp-nim for choosing us. Our team is called twice. Theres 9 of us in the group. Among all the members im most close to Nayeon unnie ( the eldest ). Were friends for almost 10 years now since our middle school days.

Sadly within those 10years being with her i fell inlove and now its hard to pretend that i just love her as a friend. She only consider me as her trusted bestfriend. 

I heard a knock on the door, i wonder who is it ' I think its momo'. I opened it.

"Jeongyeon  can you help me with something?" Oh its Nayeon unnie.

"Yeah sure what is it" And yes this is me. The whipped me.

"Can i go in? is momo in there?" she asked while peeking a bit.

"I dont know where she is, come in" i told her and let her in. 

She walked in and sit on the bed. Theres only one bed for the both of us btw, Momo and i are good with it tho, were comfortable. I sit on the other side too.

"So what is it?" I Looked at her and i saw her not looking at me.

"Um so we just got debuted right a month ago but there's this group that got debuted also together with us." she said and now she looked at me. She layed down but i sit still.

" Yeah what about it? the BTS?"still looking at her

"Yeah, its just that i like one of them but the problem is we're not allowed to date yet right now after 3 years conract with jyp-nim" Oh she like someone right now. It's the first time that she like someone cause for the past few years she only focus on training.

"How did you like him? i mean you were so focused on your training how come you know that guy?" i asked her without showing that im hurt. God knows how much i love this girl, even shes my unnie.

"There was one show were Dahyun and I were the guest and he was there too. He's so handsome and kind Jeongyeon. He offered me a drink when he noticed im looking for water." Only that unnie? when before i did everything to make you happy and for you to not feel alone but you didnt noticed that.

" Only that unnie? when before i did everything to make you happy and for you to not feel alone but you didnt noticed that

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(A: This show. Last 2016 there was an issue were Nayeon and Jungkook were dating. There were some proofs also if you search on youtube but if i were you dont, I just want 2Yeon to be real)

"You liked him directly when he just offered you a drink and just being nice?" i asked her but i didnt make it too obvious that im hurting.

"Well i just like him and i know my limit. We cant date anyone yet" She said and seemed to relax a bit.

" So if the dating ban is lifted, you both are gonna date, is that what you mean?" 'Jeongyeon dont make it too obvious, stop' my mind told me

LOVING NAYEON UNNIEWhere stories live. Discover now