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Hey Everyone! Thank you so much for choosing to check out my book out of thousands and millions of Wattpad Mystery/Thriller and Teenfiction stories. Apparently, this is my ever first written draft, a story I suddenly came up with at a young age of thirteen. So, I really hope you enjoy reading and most of all I'll appreciate every bit of your support on this story.


This story is a little adventure, of two popular teenagers, and at the same time, in every adventure stories, we always have our mysteries and setbacks. For Ivy Raven, a horrible past, and Kelvin Dyson, an ugly secret. Want to know the truth behind their story? Well, there's only one way out...

Copyright © 2020 Kelladaisy113.

All right reserved. A thorough plead to everyone, no copying or reproducing any potion of this book without the author's permission. It will be counted as a crime and of course, there are severe consequences for that.

This book is a work of fiction. Characters, Names, Incidents Places are all from my own imagination. However, any resemblance to Real persons, Events or Incidents are only Coincidental.

A big shout out to the maker of my story's trailer, GarimaSingh743 A very nice and wonderful author of the historical fictional book, A Girl of an Old Mansion, probably one of my favorite Historical fictions.

Okay, that's all for the introduction, now moving over to the prologue of my story below. I hope you enjoy reading this wonderful book of mysteries, powers, Teenfiction, secrets, secrets, oh wait...

Secrets, Hahaha....

Stay Tuned and Enjoy!!!

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Third Person P.o.v

In the middle of a starry night, the evening sun cast long shadows on the ground, the slanting rays of the setting sun showered the warm orange tinge to the sky. The sky was set ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. The night sky was aglow with bright beautiful city lights, the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.

A man and his daughter were seen looking up at the blanket of stars that searched the infinity, enjoying the beautiful view of the night's sky from the huge porch located near the little girl's room. The occasional barking of the faraway dogs broke the silence of the night, and the beautiful sounds coming from the nights cricket as their light shone all over the place, even making the night a memorable one for the two.

"Once upon a time. There was a girl named Cinderella." The young man started, making the little girl groan all over again.

"Dad!" Her childish voice squealed, trying her best to stop him from telling the same story all over again.

"You've told me that story a million times." She pouted giving him the usual puppy eyes.

"Alright belle, what about The princess and the frog?" Her father asked and she nodded in disapproval.

"Beauty and the beast?"


"Snow White?"

"Nah ah,"

"Vigilante in the night's sky?"

"Dad!!!" She sheirked, stomping her foot on the ground repeatedly.

"Alright alright, you tell me." The young man finally said in defeat. After thinking about it for a while, the young girl finally made her choice.

"Tell me a story about our hometown, Acadia." She said grinning from ear to ear, making the young man chuckle loudly at her childish act.

"Why don't we get you into bed first." He suggested and the young girl agreed.

Eager to listen to the ancient history of her lovely hometown, she bolted out of the balcony excitedly and headed towards her bed while her father followed.

It was indeed a perfect time for a bed time story as the beautiful lights from the night sky shone brightly in her room. After tucking her in, her father cleared his throat and proceeded with the story while she paid all her attention. Her father's story telling skills knew no bounds, even a repeated story sounded very nice coming out from his mouth.

"Thousands or maybe million of years ago, our hometown Acadia was formerly known as Pretoria, a very small kingdom located at the borders of other huge capitals that surrounded it."

".....Then, it was said to be the most beautiful kingdom on earth as it was very attractive due to the beautiful flowers and astonishing green landscapes. A kingdom full of live and energy as the people were both peaceful, united and even hard-working. It was appealing to other foreigners from different capitals around the same continent." He paused a little, trying to make sure the girl was still awake before he finally continued.

"Acadia was indeed a small city as no one knew about the magical powers the royals had. Then, they also practiced dark arts which in a way helped them in defeating all their enemies in every battle. Alas, a time came when even controlling those powers became very hard for them as the forces of the red sage grew each time it was used."

".....The elders and the king all sort for different reasons and solutions behind this problem but found none. At last, after two hundred years, they unwillingly decided to bury the Red Sage after the chaos and damage it had caused for the kingdom since so many people had died because of it. The Red Sage was hidden somewhere far away in the kingdom and no on till now has been able to ferret out it's hiding place." The young man finished earning several snores from the young girl.

He was a bit dumbfounded and couldn't believe a prestigious story like that could cause the young girl to sleep. He stood up slightly from her bed trying his best not to wake the girl and headed towards the exit of her room only to halt when the little girl spoke.

"Powers aren't real dad." The little girl murmured in her sleep and the young man laughed the second time that day.

"If only you knew."

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