Origins: The Kingdom of the Beasts - Bwiral

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There was once a prominent town, whose name has been long forgotten in the pages of history. It was quite rich as it was a centre for trading and a port town. Its location was such that most kingdoms and empires used it as a common trade route while travelling by sea. The town was also known for the townspeople's hospitality. Those who had visited only had words of praise when asked to describe their experience.

But, unknown to outsiders, the town had a very, dark secret. Behind closed doors, the screams and cries of animals, filled with agony, echoed within the walls of houses. They were not given enough food, were overworked and forced to endure hours of torture. The animals had every right to be treated fairly. They were an important asset to the town as they were used as means of transportation, food, agriculture, income and entertainment.

In the beginning, the townspeople felt the need to assert their supremacy on the animals. They thought that this way the animals will never misbehave. Yet soon, it was not about controlling the animals any more. From horses to rats, not one was spared. They were helpless. The people continued to mistreat them, all the while edging closer to the day of their downfall.

The animals' day of salvation arrived on an extremely busy day. The preparations for the Festival of the Moon were well on their way. Both human and beast were working harder than normal that day.

A stranger in a black robe was standing at the entrance of the town, watching the goings-on. The sun was behind him, obscuring his features. The only part of him that could be identified was a thin, sickly pale arm holding a worn out staff.

As night fell, the Moon came out in all her glory. The festival was in full swing. There were a variety of food, entertainment and goods being offered. Visitors from other kingdoms too were enjoying themselves thoroughly. The festivities continued till the sonorous chime of the bell resounded, silencing those in the area. It was almost time.

Everybody gathered at the town square with their offerings, which consisted of spring flowers and fruits. They piled them high at the centre of the square. At the opportune time, the moonlight fell on the pile. The pile turned into dust and rose above the town. It then scattered, showering the Blessings of the Moon on the town.

As everyone marvelled the truly spectacular moment, they failed to see a figure gliding through the crowd. The figure stepped into the moonlit spot. It was the stranger. He raised his staff to the moonlight and brought it down to the ground. There was an earth shattering rumble and all eyes turned towards the source. But, no one was there. The people shook their heads and returned to what they were doing. After the festivities, the town grew silent for the night.

In the morning, the farmers rose. At first they were confused as to why they awoke so late. They normally woke at dawn to the call of the roosters. After finishing their morning routines, they were ready to start the day. But to their surprise, the farms were eerily quiet.

The barn doors were thrown open to reveal it to be empty. Angry shouts that came from the neighbouring homes confirmed the inevitable. The animals had vanished! Not even an insect was left.

The townspeople were speechless. They had nothing to help them keep up with the work. They soon abandoned the town and wandered over the continent to find work. The town was no more.


The animals found themselves in a big meadow. They did not understand how they arrived there. Before they could begin panicking, the black-clad stranger stepped in front of them. He was standing next to his staff that was embedded into the ground. In his arms was a baby.

He muttered something and a stone slab rose from the earth. He placed the baby on it and drew a symbol on the baby's forehead. He then turned to the animals and began speaking.

"O Great Beasts! You have served the humans for a long time. You did not utter a word of complaint, even after they turned against you. You have all pleased me. I am giving you another start on life. This baby you see before you will guide and take care of this realm. He is human, but do not fear or hate him. He is just like you, a Beginner. Take care of him and teach him all your values. He is a gift to you just as you are a gift to him."

With that, he held his hand over the staff. The staff began to glow. As he removed his hand, the staff shot a blue and white light into the sky. It formed a huge barrier. Just as the barrier finished forming, the animals started to feel strange. Afraid at what was happening, they looked towards the stranger for help. Unfortunately, he had disappeared.

The animals slowly began building a kingdom within the barrier. They appointed the just and brave Lion as their king. The Lion appointed the wise Tortoise as his minister. They built a palace, surrounded by a city that became the capital of the Kingdom.

They also built a temple around the boy and the staff. It was without a roof, so as to not disrupt the source of the barrier. The animals each took a turn in living in the temple. They took care of the boy as well as taught him everything they knew. The boy grew up to become a legend and tales of his heroics were spread far and wide.

The animals soon started feeling the effects of the barrier. They gained the ability to talk in the human tongue and started walking upright. At first, they found it difficult to adapt to these new changes, but soon it became the norm.

The animals wanted to show their gratitude to their saviour. They erected a statue of the stranger in front of the palace. Having no name to be remembered by, they began calling him the Magician.

And thus, it became one of the many adventures of the famous, Adventurous Wanderer.

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