Chapter 1: I don't know

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CIA Academy of Espionage

Washington DC

Armistead Dormitory

October 6th(*WINK WINK*)

1100 hours

My name is Ben Ripley. I am a third year student at the CIA Academy of Espionage. I had just gotten back from a mission in which we finally thwarted an enemy organization named SPYDER once and for all. Well me and my friends in which I should introduce first. My friends are Zoe Zibbel, Mike Brzezinski, and Erica hale. I've been friends with Mike ever since we've been kids. He's by far my best friend. I met Zoe when I first arrived at St. Smithens. Shes one of my closest friends and I love hanging out with her. She somewhat has a crush on me but I've learned to live with it. Speaking of crushes, that brings me to Erica. She is easily the most talented spy in the Academy of Espionage. Her family dates back all the way to Nathan Hale, the founder of the school. It's not just her who's talented, its her entire family! Well all except her dad Alexander. He isn't exactly the brightest. She is the most beautiful person I've ever met in my life. She has icy blue eyes and raven hair. Everyone here at school is crazy for her. Shes also known for being icy. And when I say icy I mean if you accidentally run into her while going down the hall your gonna get judo flipped into the wall. But I don't know in my opinion she has a personality, but she just shields it off from everyone. I feel like she just thinks I'm just like everyone else even though I know here on a different level than everyone else, but I don't know its kinda hard to know what she thinks. After all, she did kiss me back in Colorado. Anyway enough of me rambling off about how much I love Erica.

I've never realized how good I had it here at school. I guess when you've almost been killed multiple times in the past few months you'll be grateful for a lot of things. Don't get me wrong It's not that bad here. I've gotten a better at my classes like self preservation and stuff like that. I'm not exactly Erica Hale material yet. I'm going to be honest It's kind of boring when nothings going on. But then again I'm becoming a spy. I don't know how much more entertaining my life could get.

Anyway It's lunch time right now, and as i was heading to the cafeteria I realized that Erica wasn't at her usual table where she sits by herself. That's weird she's always there. When I got to my table Mike, Zoe, Chip, and Jawa all greeted me.

"Hey Ben whats up?" Mike said.

"Nothing really. Do you guys have any Idea where Erica is? She's not at her usual table." I said.

"No I haven't seen her all day," Zoe said.

That's weird shes always there. Maybe she's on a mission?

"You okay Ben, you seem off today" Said Mike. I should really stop overthinking this, it's starting to effect my life.

"I'm fine I'm just curious where Erica is," I said

"Ooh Ben misses his girlfriend" Chip yelled.

I said "First, shes not my girlfriend. Second It just seems strange she isn't here."


"What was that!" said Mike. Everyone's starting to panic. Then suddenly we saw a whole bunch of CIA agents storm into the room with guns in their hands.

"EVERYONE HANDS UP AND ON THE GROUND NOW!!!!" yelled the biggest person I've ever seen in my life. Then I noticed one of the agents. Cyrus Hale. Erica's grandfather and another amazingly talented spy. He looked... fatigued. Like when you eat expired mayonnaise. He also looked pale. We did as the agents told us and got on the ground. They cancelled all our other classes and told us all to go to our dorms. That's strange, we've been through a lot of weird stuff at this place but they've never cancelled out classes.

"What the Heck just happened!" said Zoe.

"I don't know but whatever it was isn't good," I said.

"I heard the CIA agents talking about how Ms.Hale had turned rogue and attacked us by planting a bomb in the conference room." said Mike.

"Yeah so did I," said Zoe.

"No way, looks like you finally made Erica go crazy Ben. Good Work!" said Jawa. Everyone laughed.

"Guys there's no way that Erica betrayed us. Shes the most passionate person I've ever seen!" I quickly responded.

"Ben, just accept the fact that your girlfriend has gone crazy," said Chip.

"She's not my girlfriend, and I refuse to believe that she did that on purpose. It must be like a setup or something. Just like me when I went to the White House." I said

"Yeah but who would set her up. We've already defeated SPYDER," said Zoe.

"I don't know, but there has to be an excuse and I refuse to believe that Erica's a traitor. We have to get to the bottom of this, " I said.

"We? I'm not helping her. Like she'd do this for us," said Zoe. Everyone nodded their heads.

"She did if for me! I'd refuse to let her career get ruined because of a setup," I said.

"Well good luck man," said Mike. They all left to go back to their dorms.

I feel betrayed by my own friends. How could they not want to help me. I understand that they might not really like Erica, but how about me? What am I to them? Just another kid that they just so happen to have almost died with. Man I'm falling apart. Then suddenly the principle, or otherwise known as the idiot, started to make an announcement on the speakers.

"Hellloo, God dammit this cheap ass microphone. Wait is this thing rolling? Oh shoot. Pardon that students. I have made this announcement to inform you all that one of our students that you may know by the name of Erica Hale has planted a bomb in the conference room today. We are not sure why she has done this or where she is. But we are asking all student to stay well aware for these next few days for any suspicious behavior and please make sure to tell us if you see anything fishy. Thank you and also by the way please stop shooting paper airplanes into the roof of the bathrooms. It is not proper not to mention how annoying it is to get out," said the principle.

I don't know anymore. My best friends and people who I have trusted for all my life don't trust me. Not to mention that my crush and my best mentor that I've ever had turned out to be an enemy agent. No, I refuse to believe that. Just like how she did with me. I have to get to the bottom of this. When I got in I saw a note on my desk. It said , "Hey Ben, I know a lot has happened today, but I put this note here to tell you to go with your instinct with this one. I know you have trust issues after today, but trust me, not everything may be what it seems to. -EH"

What could EH possible stand for, and what do they mean by stick to my instinct? Could this be related to Erica, or is this just Zoe with a fake name. I mean I've never seen Erica write a letter THIS friendly. EH seems most likely like Erica Hale, but that would be too obvious. Or maybe that's just what Erica is trying to do by being friendly. But wait, there's more on the back. Of course there is what was I thinking. It says, "50 53 3a 20 54 68 69 73 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 61 6c 6c 20 6d 61 6b 65 20 73 65 6e 73 65 20 6c 61 74 65 72 20 62 75 74 20 66 6f 72 20 6e 6f 77 20 6a 75 73 74 20." I knew for a fact that was hexadecimal. I quickly did the conversion in my head and the message read, "PS: This will all make sense later but for now just meet me where  only you and I know." What did she mean by a place only you and I know. It could be place we went to on a mission. Or a place... I know exactly where it is.

The tunnel that leads to the Washington Monument.

AUTHOURS NOTE: Hey everyone! This is my first ever fan-fiction so please don't be too hard on me. Also feel free to add suggestions in the comments below! I'll try to update this ever week or so. Btw just so you guys can know there are 1539 words in this chapter. I'll tell you guys that as well at the end of every chapter in case you want to know. Anyway I hope you guys are all safe and staying healthy during this Corona Virus outbreak and I wish you guys the best. I'll see Ya'll next week.


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