An Unexpected Opening

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It started as a normal hot summer day for people in Calcenon city, out shopping, working, hanging out and having lunch on a windless day.

It was also Green's day off, Eevee on his shoulder as he walked down the fruit aisle with a cart full of groceries. Red is on another floor looking for fishing rods.

"Next up is... Watermelon."

A shadow loomed as if an eclipse had dawned over the city, blocking the sun from reaching the ground. Many looked up to see the source and they flee upon seeing it. A giant thing fell from the sky, its eight limbs creating craters and tore into buildings upon its landing. The ground shook, car alarms blaring streets filled with people screaming in terror.

Green had only the spare of a second to react as the building shook, debris falling and lights flickering, items falling off their shelves as the ceiling came crashing down. Eevee in his arms, Green made a sprint on the opposite way from where the disaster happens still it caught up to him in an instant.

Red coughed, waking up face first on the floor, throat dry, unsavory taste of dirt in his mouth and up his clothes.

Cap and Pikachu nowhere in sight Red pushes himself up. Wild and worried eyes assess the situation around him.

There are people nearby, children crying, adults panicking, trying to stay still and hold onto something before the building crashes down on them once more. Red stood up, a giant hole in the not-there-anymore wall, outside view plain for them to see if not for the smog that came rushing in. Screeching and clattering of something could be heard like that of a chattering of someone's teeth but rubbing against rough fur.


Red turned around, wildly searching for his yellow companion and finding the Pokemon within the crowds of survivors, clinging to Red's hat for dear life until he sees his trainer again and leaping right into the man's embrace.

With one hand, Red fished out his phone, the screen is cracked but it was still able to turn on.

On the other side of the line; no one picked up, going straight to voicemail and Red feel his body grew cold with each passing second. 'Green...' A strong wind rushes by as something flew past the giant rip on the other side of the building.

"Red!" Called a voice he dearly missed.

The color crimson stained Green's face as he held onto Pidgeot with one hand while the other is covering the left side of his face, blood dripping off of his hand and down to his elbow where it then stained Pidgeot's feathers. Red panicked at the state of the other man, opening his mouth to say something but the words were clogged, burning his throat that led him to cough.

Pidgeot flew closer to the opening and Green jumped down, rushing to Red's side. "Are you okay, god please tell me you're okay!" He asks, franticly checking his husband's body, aside from some minor cuts and bruises he seems to be all right.

But Green was a different story, Red pulled Green's hand down from his face, several small cuts near his eye and a rather deep cut on the side of his left forehead. "M'fine! Just some glass shattered while I was running and evacuating the people on the lower floor. Anyway, we gotta get these people out of here. Or at least make sure they won't be crushed or fall off."

Neither of them knew what had happened and neither can stand around while waiting for help to arrive when the building is maybe half an hour away from completely caving in on itself.

Red released Charizard for it to follow Pidgeot who Green had ordered to scout the outside of the building.

"Alakazam, can you teleport them to safety?"

The pokemon looked around; there were far too many people for it to be able to teleport at once.

"Yeah I know, it's mega time then."

It has been a while since they use a Mega evolution, as a gym leader, Green had encountered quite a number of people who are able to Mega evolve their pokemon but either they choose the wrong one, wrong time or simply just because they want the battle to be flashier. Not that there was anything wrong with flashier battles for the final Kanto gym badge, but he'd rather have a hard and interesting battle.

With the power boost from his mega stone, Alakazam concentrated its teleportation ability, shrouding the people in the room in purple psychic energy.

The sun and sturdy ground awaits them upon teleported back to safety, Pidgeot dropped off two more people followed by Charizard with several smaller pokemon on its back.

"Good job. But we need to check the other interiors as well maybe there are still people trapped. Alakazam, can you use your aura and scan for any life force and teleport them? I'm sure the fire department and rescuers are on their way but the whole thing's unstable so we have to work fast. Red, let your Blastoise out in case a fire spread."

Red nodded, releasing the Pokemon at the same time as Green. The dust is still high and it was hard to see anything from where the building collapsed. "Pidgeot defog!"

The pokemon obeyed, rising high into the air to create a flow of concentrated air to blow off the smog.

But what lies behind it is something they did not expect, an Ariados had grew thirty times more than its normal form, surrounded in purple aura, it's limbs tore into concrete walls and tar streets without worry. And above its head, the sky spiral a deep red.

People flee, screaming in terror while the two stood in place, on guard and in awe at what stood tall in front of them.

"What the hell is..."

Green gulped, feeling the giant pokemon's eyes on them.

Without warning, webs spew from its mouth lurching it at them. Charizard flew in front of the trainers however its flamethrower could not burn through the thick web. Green's Blastoise came in and freezes it with an ice beam, followed by Aura Sphere from Red's Blastoise.

The ice shattered and thanks to Pidgeot's tailwind the shards were small enough to be blown away, creating sparkles of ice fluttering down a destroyed street.

"That can't be mega." Green frowned, looking up at the Ariados and it stares right back at him, screeching as it crawls closer, tearing everything that it came across.

Green clicked his tongue. "I don't know what's going on with this thing but we can't let it go on any further. Blastoise! Protect Alakazam while he teleports the civilians! Pidgeot, lift me up!" Pidgeot and Charizard swoops down as their trainers ran down the streets, dodging pin missiles coming from Ariados, they have to keep the strange Ariados in place no matter how.

Once they were up in the sky, Erika's gym was visible but it seems that she has her own issues to deal with, as the smoke billowing from the gym was enough information.

Charizard's flamethrower keeps the Ariados at bay and Venusaur approaches the giant thing, vines rises from the ground, breaking through the tar and pavements to latch onto some of its limbs while the rest were frozen off by Red's Blastoise.

With Red's command, Venusaur tries to put the Ariados to sleep but it somehow puts up a barrier to negate the status effect. One of its limbs broke free from the ice followed by another until the vines were ripped off as well, with a deafening screech it looks up. Pins shot up from the horns on its back and into the sky.

Pidgeot maneuvered past the attacks and Charizard burns through them to make sure none of it lands and cause more damage. After the missiles it was webs after webs shot from the Ariados and eventually one caught onto Pidgeot, throwing Green off of the pokemon from up high, smashing onto a window and breaking through into an office room but not before returning Pidgeot into its ball with the window of a second of being flung onto the glass.

The Ariados moves toward the building Green landed in but it was promptly stopped by Charizard with a Fire Blast. Red leaped off of the fire pokemon after ordering to keep the thing away from the building.

With the other surrounded in broken glass, Red carefully lifts him up. "I'm okay... I'm okay. No biggie, just like a bruise in the morning." Green reassured his worried husband who looks like he's ready to kill someone.

Walking over to the broken window, the two looked down upon the destruction and chaos the Ariados had caused by its sheer mass alone as it broke through Blastoise and Venusaur's restraints once again. "This son of a—"

Plucking another Pokeball from his belt, Green released Rhyperior just behind Ariados and Red let his Snorlax out to land right onto the Ariados as a body slam which then pinned the giant flat onto the ground from the impact.

Green hissed, wiping the blood off of his face with his shirt, mostly because it was hard to see with blood and dust in one's eyes. Red hurried to take a box of tissues and bottled water that had fallen on the floor due to people rushing to evacuate.

His hands are shaking, from rage, worry, and anxiety. Green was quick to pick up. Placing his hand on Red's and reassured the man that he is fine and this is not the time to be worrying about small wounds. But the ever prominent shade of white on Green's face proves otherwise for Red. With a stern look, Green is defeated, letting the raven-haired man tend to him.

The building shook, cutting Red's aid short. Items falling off of desks, lights flickering, bulbs breaking and glass shattering, Red held Green in his arms, shielding the brunet from falling shards and bits of the ceiling.

One of Green's Pokeball clicked signaling the pokemon's defeat and return. It was Blastoise.

With Pidgeot out of commission for now, they hopped onto Charizard's back before dropping off near Alakazam. The psychic pokemon doesn't look too good but it signaled to Green that all civilians had been evacuated to a safe distance. With a 'Thank you' and 'Good work' Green returned the pokemon back into its ball to rest.

"Rhyperior! Rock Wrecker!"

[Charizard, Fire Blast.]

But Ariados puts up a barrier once more, despite the power of their moves it couldn't get through but the Ariados looks ready to topple over, this could be its last strength.

"Rhyperior! Keep attacking!"

Two more attacks and the barrier is worn out, shattered.

[Fire Blast]

Charizard obeyed.

Wind and heat kicked up, hitting the Ariados straight on without any barrier to block, it came crashing down flat on its face. Red's Blastoise and Venusaur backed away so they wouldn't get squished under the bug but they're still on high alert, Venusaur's vines ready to bind.

A series of electricity came in short bursts, static hovering in the air but the Ariados seems to shrunk with each bursts and eventually returned to its normal size.

Green collapsed onto Red's right side and the latter caught him. Green's jacket were soaked in blood that it was dripping, far too much for a minor injury that the brunet has claimed earlier. Unzipping said jacket, Red paled at the condition of Green's left arm. Deep gashes and cuts littered from his shoulder to his elbow.

'Just some glass shattered while I was running'


Rypherior made a noise of distress as she approaches her trainer.

By the time of the rescuer's arrival, Red had captured the Ariados and rush to the hospital.


Green woke up to a sleeping Red in a chair next to his bed, the man's upper body resting on the bed, everything is strangely white, the air heavy with chemical scent. An attempt to move his right hand resulted in waking up Red, not realizing that the raven had held onto his hand in his sleep.

How long had he been out for?

"Woke you up? Sorry."

Crimson eyes filled with worry and Green had to chuckle which was then met with a stern 'don't you dare laugh, I was worried sick!' look from Red.

"M'fine. How long did I pass out for?"

[Just a day] For Red it felt like a whole year.

"Mhmm... What about the strange Ariados?"

[I caught it, it's in the PC.] A pause [Professor Oak wanted to look into it]

Green raised an eyebrow at this. "You didn't give it to him yet?"

When Red didn't answer, Green carefully sat up, feeling the sting on the left side of his body. "Red?"

There is a turmoil of emotions in his eyes and Green quietly let out a huff, his grandfather must've said something that bothered Red, which is quite rare. Green inspected the bandages that were around his head and covering his left eye. Hopefully it wasn't too serious. "So when can I get out?"

With the topic averted... for now. Red focuses back onto his husband. [The doctor said you can be discharged tomorrow, or today depending on how you feel.]

"I feel great! They're just small scratches, I've gotten worse during my travel days! One question though." Green pointed at his covered left eye. "I'm not half-blind now, am I?"

Red shook his head. [The cuts did not damage your eyesight.] After this, he leaned closer to Green and presses soft kisses onto Green's face before pecking at his lips. For a moment they stay in place, looking into each other's eyes, the first one to blush was Green and Red finds it adorable that no matter how many times they kissed, Green would flush like it's their first time. Of course there are several exceptions to those scenarios such as when Green was the one who initiates it, but it doesn't change the fact that Red finds it cute.

.*・。゚━☆゚.*・。゚ ━☆゚.*・。゚Author's Note.*・。゚━☆゚.*・。゚━☆゚.*・。゚

Hello, nice seeing all of you again.

I don't have much knowledge about Galar region but that won't stop me from writing! Based on what I've seen from the people playing the game as well as the anime, its a very pretty place and suitable for our adventure of lovey dovey couple~

This is a sequel to Windy Days.

By the way! Picture on the cover is by the lovely @mieudiary on twitter( ) and on Tumblr ( )

Go give them a visit and follow them for more Red and Green while you wait for chapter two! You won't regret that for sure. My heart did the *squeeze* thing and I am wooed.

LNZetsumei- Signing out for now ◕‿◕

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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