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Y/N P.O.V:

"Girl u gotta get ova him" said my bestfrien "ik but what ima do" I said "les go out an drink an shit so u could get rid of him"she suggested I nodded "Ight"I responded

In case ya was  wonderin
who she talm bout my ex Dayvon aka King Von who cheated on me wit dat Asian bitch

"So what time should I start gettin ready" I asked "umm...bout 8 Ima come get u at 10 bye" she responded leavin out

I rolled my eyes welp its only 4 so ig ima take a nap

I woke up an started doin my hygiene things afta I picked out my outfit I did my hair

Bout 10:45 my Y/BF/N called an said she was ousside "u rey to shake dat ahh" my bestie asked

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Bout 10:45 my Y/BF/N called an said she was ousside "u rey to shake dat ahh" my bestie asked

I started laughin "hell yea bitch ima get drunk af" I said den I started thinkin what if Von dere

"But...What if Von dere" I asked "BITCH FUCK DAT NIGGA" she yelled she right FUCK DAT NIGGA

We finally arrived when we walked in

I went straight to da bar "aye wassup lemme get some strong shit" I said she nodded an handed me a glass of some brown liquor

I'm finna get fucked we go have to Uber back home or sum cuz we finna be toe up

I felt a pair of eyes lookin thru my soul I looked up in da VIP section an seen Von Lookin at me I rolled my eyes

I jus knew he was go be hea tonight den my song started playin

I ran to da dance floe an started fuckin it up I felt a pair of hands wrap around me but I ain't care who it was

I heard my bestie hypin me up

"Get it bestie" whoeva was behind me dick was gettin hard

Da song went off I looked back an seen Some Dark Skin Nigga "wassup ma" he said smirkin

I felt Von starin so I went along wit it "wassup what's yo name" I asked him smirkin "Leon what's urs" he asked "Y/N" I answered

"Aye who df is u" I heard Von say I looked an dere he was I rolled my eyes

Bout to walk away but he pulled me back "my bad I thought ya broke up" Leon said throwin his hands up in defense an walked away

I scoffed "my nigga why u touchin me" I said aggressively to Von "fuck allat why u talkin ta otha niggas" he said thru gritted teeth

I ain't go cap I was scared but I ain't show it "don't u gotta new bitch why u all up on me mane" I said tryna pull out his grip

He chuckled "ion give af if I gotta girl u still mine" he said an wrapped his hand round my throat

Atp da liquor was kickin in so I was gettin turned on but I still couldn't let him know dat

"No I ain't urs now lemme lone an lemme goooo"I said gettin annoyed

"Nah come on we leavin" he said pullin me out da club

He picked me up an put me in his car "Ima fuck da shit out u when we get home" he said smirkin

I was nervous when we arrived to his house "go upstairs now" he said "an yo clothes betta be off"

I ran upstairs an got naked few mins lata he came in an pushed me on da bed "did u give my pussy away" he asked seductively while rubbin my pussy

I shook my head no "good girl" he said an started takin his clothes off

He got on top of me an started kissin from my lips ta my pussy "spread yo legs" he said so I did he stared at my pussy fa a while

"Mmm she so pretty" he said den he started eatin my pussy

"Fuckkkkkk omg yessssss" I moaned dis nigga started spellin his full name on my clit

"What's my name" he groaned addin two fingas inside my pussy

I couldn't speak I was to into it I came 5 times den he stuck his dick inside an groaned

"Why yo pussy so tight ma"he groaned "ass up face down" he demanded

He started hittin it from da back

"What's my name" he asked

"Ugggg...Dadddyyyyyy-fuckk Von I'm boutta cum" I moaned "hold dat shit" he groaned "who pussy dis is" he said "mine"I answered he slapped my ass hard I yelped "wrong answer" he said an went deeper "ahhhhhh baeee fuckkkkkk I'm boutta cum" I moaned

"Let dat shit out" he said an we came togetha we layed down "aye u wanna get back togetha" he said "don't u gotta gf" I asked

"I'll drop ha an wont eva cheat on u" he said I gave in

"Ight but if u fuckk up again ima give yo pussy away" I said seriously

If he cheat again it's ova

He choked me "stop playin if u eva give my shit away I'll kill u"he said seriously an laid back down

"Gn bae" he said an kissed me "gn Von" I responded an we both fell asleep


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