Luna & Firestar Beginning

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Luna and Firestar are the daughter and son of Pandora and Xenophilius Lovegood.

Luna was blond while Firestar was a... green haired kid? Fraternal twins.

Firestar was probably born a metamophmagus since there were changes of green to white at times for his hair.

Anyways, they both had blue eyes.

They all lived a happy life as a family. 

Firestar and his sister were adventurous in discovering the environment and learning from books.

One day, when they were nine years old, their mother had died from an accidental experiment.

After the incident, and funeral, Xenophilius was in charge of raising his children on his own.

Raising childen as a single parent may be difficult, but to was a wonderful experience for Luna and Firestar to go on adventures to find mystical creatures throughout Europe and other possible countries.

When they were 11, during they received their letters to Hogwarts.

It was an exciting day.

They went to Diagon Alley to find the materials needed for school.

Firestar: "There are sure a lot of books from this Lockwood guy. He seems so fake with his work."

Luna: "I guess so. It could be that he did it on his own or..."

F. Twins: "He wiped the memories of the real person who did it."

Firestar: "Maybe I could get this book. Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander. It was on the first years list before this new list."

They got their wands and left to house.

Once it was time to get onto train, they were ready.

While they were in an empty compartment, they were reading the Quibbler upside down.

Firestar: "Hi there. My name is Firestar. This is my sister Luna. What is your name?"

Neville: "My name is Neville. Neville Longbottom. Is there a free seat here? I am not bothering you, am I?"

Firestar: "Not at all. There is a free seat in front of us. You are in Griffindore house. How is your experience at this school?"

Neville: "It is great. I like it here at Hogwarts. My favorite class is herbology. However, I don't think I could make it through potions. Oh yeah, this is Trevor. He is my toad. What houses do you think you will be going to?"

Luna and Firestar waved a greeting to Trevor the toad.

Luna: "Ravenclaw. Our parents were in Ravenclaw. Why wouldn't we be in the same house? Our personalities are  quite similar. I am sure we would be together."

Firestar: "Yeah, I would also think that as well. However, I think I could help you with potions if you want."

Firestar, Luna, and Neville talked many things like getting to know each other better.

Firestar got distracted during the conversation when there was a flying car driving in the air next to the train.

Later on the train ride, the first years were to follow Hagrid the get to where they need to be.

Firestar: "Luna look. Therstrals pulling those carriages."

Luna: "Wow. Do you think we could meet up with them sometime after school?"

Firestar: "Sure we can! Good luck during the sorting."

Luna: "You too. I hope we are in the same house. However, I wouldn't mind, nor you or father, if you were another house. We all know you are kind hearted."

Firestar: "Yeah."

As a result of the sorting, after the hat song:

Luna Lovegood - Ravenclaw
Ginevra Weasley - Griffindore

(To lazy to remember the others)

Firestar Lovegood - Slytherin

Firestar: "Wait, why am I in the second year? I am only 11. I should be in the first year class."

Hat: "You have great potential in you."

Firestar was confused but went to his house, which everyone was clapping at the Slytherin table.

Firestar got to get to know most of the Slytherins in his year.

After the feast, and the message, everyone were led to their house cabins.

S. Headboy: "Okay, here is the entrance. The password is pureblood. Boys to the left, girls to the right. You will see your belongings in the assigned rooms. Hope you enjoy your stay newly Slytherins."

Firestar was in a bed corner with Blaise.

Author Note

I ain't original, but I don't really see much oc or reader brothers in this fandom especially for Luna Lovegood.

Luna is one of my favorite characters in Harry Potter.

Also, I randomly picked Firestar as a name because it looked cool.

I don't know where the name reference came from but I am pretty sure Firestar has to be a name somewhere in a literature writing.

Not an original writer, the setting pretty much follows the storyline that many may know about if a potterhead or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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