Quick A/N

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So, I've never written as Mondo before so don't judge my trifling gangster baby. I'm not good at making myself sound cool and that might hold me back from this..
So because of that I will mainly write from Takas point of view.
Another thing I will be listing HeadCannons that will be implemented into this fic.

-Taka has sensory issues with loud noises
-Panic Attacks
-Stuffed Animals
-Cuddling is his favorite date activity
-His parents forced him into military training up until high school.

(I will add more as the story progresses.)

Katashi : leader of a small gang consisting of liken 30 people.
Tarō : Katashi's right hand man.
Noriaki : The other main of the bullies.

Either way have some fun reading my garbage!

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