First Day Of School

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-3rd Person-

'First day of school' Tomo thought to her self, holding onto her fathers shirt sleeve for dear life. 'It'll be fun... right?' 

Izuku held Tomo close as they walked along the sidewalk. "Dont worry Tomo- it's just your first day of 4th grade, almost middle school! not like... you'll be bullied-...." Izuku shook his head. "No. you have your friends, you'll be fine." He nodded slowly. "Will you be fine daddy?" Tomo asked, gripping onto his shirt sleeve more firlmly. "Yes, daddy will be fine." Izuku mumbled. He looked down at Tomo and tried his best not to tear up. "...Dang it your growing up too fast." He got down to Tomo's level and hugged her tightly. "I'm not ready for you to grow up..!" He whimpered. Tomo hugged him back even tighter. "Daddy... what if i mess something up??" She asked, trying her best not to cry. "You'll be okay tomo, just stay strong, and tell me if your being bullied because i will destroy them." Izuku smiled and stood back up. Tomo nodded and walked with him the rest of the way to school. Tomo couldnt get the fear of failure off her mind, however. It would follow her all the way to school, and got worse whenever she'd trip or make any small mistake. She noticed a man in a black hoodie with blue hair following behind them, with what seemed to be a child of his own. The man made tomo feel... Odd. Uncomfortable. or even... scared. The man seemed to be focused on Izuku. But her father payed no mind to the man. The child he was walking with seemed to be somewhere else, in their own world, as if it was the first time they had seen the outside world. Tomo kept the two in mind and turned back towards the front, ignoring the mans presence the rest of the way. Hoping he wasnt who she mistakend him for.

"And we're here!" Izuku shouted happily as they entered the school grounds. Tomo starred at the giant 3 story building in awe. "I-i didn't know it would be s-so b-big!" She gasped. Izuku held her hand and walked her inside. Tomo starred at the other students as they said goodbye to their parents. A few starred at Tomo and Izuku as they passed. Tomo was confused at first until she heard some of the kids whispering. "Is that the #1 pro hero Deku?? I think it is! is that his daughter?" 

Tomo took a deep breath like her dad, Shoto, told her too and looked up at Deku who was talking to a teacher, asking for directions. She heard the door open and a familiar foot step pattern she recognized from the street. She whipped her head around and starred for a moment. There was the man again, patting the childs head and walking off. She caught sight of his face as he started to leave, and it was exactly who she thought it was. Tomo tugged on her fathers shirt sleeve. "D-daddy.." she said. Izuku looked down at her and gave her a worried look. "What is it Tomo?" he asked. "Sh-sh-Shigaraki-" Tomo stuttered. Izuku looked at the door and watched the man as he turned the corner. "Tomo, Sweetie," He said cautiously. "i'll be right back, and if you hear an explosion, call Mommy." He slowly started to let go of her hand and walked towards the door. Tomo felt a pit in her stomach. "D-" he was already gone, following the man around the corner and to who knows where. Tomo stood frozen in place. She starred at the ground and waited. 

She took slow deep breaths and tried to gain any confidence- any at all, she just needed enough to ask the teacher where she should go. She felt someone tap her shoulder and turned around. a small girl, most likely the same age as Tomo, stood there, she had blond hair, with grey-ish blue tips, all swirled up into a messy bun. she had yellow eye's and her pupils looked like diamonds. She was smiling, holding her bag in front of her, her face reminded Tomo of someone. The girls smile got bigger and she decided the best thing to start with was an introduction. "Hi! i'm Ayako Shigaraki! That's not the name i'm signed in with for school though, the name you should call me by if Kaito Himiko, and i'm here to make your life HELL!"

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