Hey this is my first btw so...

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I don't mind if u guys think this is crap cause' its my first attempt and i want an opinion anyway... Try not to be too harsh if u dislike it haha.

"Y/N?" Zayn's voice outspoke.
"GO AWAY!" you pleaded.
"C'mon Y/N you're the one who cheated on me!"he shouted from behind the door.
"I could never do that. I ...loved you". Deep down you still did, but you couldn't find a way to show him.
"You're with Perrie now, why should i care."
"We broke up."
You had to stand up for yourself; he couldn't come running to you, it was like you were 2nd choice. Standing up for yourself was definitely not one of your best qualities.
"Oh so you thought i was the last resort, your pathetic, one minute you say i'm worthless, the next you want me back, just fuck off..."you shouted loud and proud although you didn't want to hurt him mentally and physically, he had to learn...he couldn't keep playing with your mind. Hearing him break down and his body fall against the door made you feel so guilty.
Walking out of the room you found Zayn sobbing. He looked up at you with his beautiful eyes; bloodshot and puffy.
You couldn't resist them. You sat down with him, holding him tightly as his tears fell upon your shirt. Pulling him away as you looked into his eyes "I can't stay angry at you, truly; i like you, but i don't think this is going to work, you cant just keep coming back to me. You have to take time to relax and think when you leave someone. They need time too" Explaining how you felt.
"Yeah, time to cheat."he blurted out crying like a child, his lips quivering.
You'd never seen him cry like that. You found it adorable though. You explained what you never got to tell him what happened before you broke up with him he wouldn't listen then, now it was your chance.
"I never cheated on you, you just walked in at the wrong time, i-i fell on top of him ... I never meant for anything that has happened to happen, sometimes i blame myself, for being such a clumsy motherfucker." Zayn broke up with you a few months ago, Harry came around and the three of you decided to watch the music channels, dancing around like lunatics; it was harmless fun; then Zayn went to the toilet and when he came back Harry fell, pulling you with him as you were the first thing he could grip onto, you fell on top of him and Zayn thought the worst of it. Tears began to slide down your face; remembering the chaos it caused.
"(Y/N) I just want you to stay protected, you were mine and him laying his hands on you made me feel like he was trying to hurt you... I don't know why i took it out on you... I should've let you explain."Zayn calmly explained. You sat there for a few minutes looking into one and others eyes minutes later he leaned in to kiss you. Pulling away you said
"One more chance, but keep it a secret, the press will go bizarre." You demanded.
"Understood, we can start this over. Start fresh."
Finally you both got up. Wiping your tears as you walked downstairs. Both if you ended up cuddling on your sofa... No background sound, just your head against the calming sound of his beating heart. You fell asleep.
Only to be woken up a while later as Zayn carried you to your comfy bed; pressing a soft kiss upon your forehead. Then you heard his footsteps going back downstairs. you felt like a weight bad been lifted off your shoulder and you felt safe that he was finally with you.

He replied

"Thanks boo x"

Okay so hi I'm Louise :).
please leave your opinion if you think i'm crap then fair enough.

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