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"That's incredible." I said, astonished.
After bonding for a while Lee and I decided to go make dinner together. Since it was pretty late, the other guys decided to build a fire. For dinner we made pasta with peaches and beans. It was probably one of the best meals I ever had!

.The Next Day.
I woke up extra early for some reason this morning so I decided to go down to the nearby stream. It was summer, so the water was nice and warm. I washed my hair first, then my body, then my clothes. When I was just about to leave there was a rustle in the bushes.
"Who's there?" I yelled into the woods. "...Clementine? You're alive?" A boy asked me, walking out of the bushes. "Oh...My..God.."
Okay everyone, since we reached a fabulous 119 reads Im going to do a Q&A. I want you guys to comment down all of your random questions (they can be personal ones too.) and I'll answer them! ^_^ Sorry if this chapter was pretty crappy, I'm kinda out of ideas. :3

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