positivity chain uwu

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i'm starting a positivity chain. things are pretty bad right now, but i want to make some people smile uwu. i didn't get tagged in this chain but i saw someone else do it and i decided to start a chain here on my account. being positive around yourself can be hard, i know. but, i want to maybe help you with that. start small, and increasingly get bigger. 

for this chain you have to list 5 things that you love about yourself. it can be your appearance, your personality, anything about yourself. and then tag five people to do the chain. now, when i say these things i'm not trying to brag or boast, just boosting my self confidence! we could all use that every now and then anyways.

1. i'm only like half ugly, sure i look like a dead slug 80 percent of the time, but there are a few times where i really do pop off. 

2. i've improved in dance in the last several months. i went from doing pretty bad at competition to finally winning into the highest level of competition! i even got invited to go to worlds in dublin, ireland, but it got cancelled due to the current situation of the world. i'm sad about not actually being able to go, but knowing that i had the chance to and my coach recognized me makes me extremely happy.

3. i've developed my own style and it is one that makes me feel confident in my body and it is more...who i am, i guess, compared to last year. 

4. recently i've been really productive and i've been staying on top of all of my schoolwork and my grades have been pretty good! i also cleaned my room and redecorated it and it feels so much more me 

5. i've cleared a lot of blurry things between my parents and i and it feels so good to not have walls in between us. 






now go spread some positivity!! uwu


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