Chapter 1

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April places her hands on her stomach as she eases herself onto the bed. She then takes a deep breath and lays down in her and Jackson's comfortable bed. April smiles as she pulls the blankets up over her large stomach as the baby kicks. She smiles and gently rubs her stomach. "I know sweet baby," she says softly. "I'm done walking for the day. Now, it's time to relax. It was a rough day, huh?" April reflects back to the difficult trauma day it had been. Since the time she arrived at the hospital at seven to the end of he shift at nine, the ER had been filled with car crashes, a collapsed construction site and the occasional kid who needed stitches. That had been the highlight of April's day. Anytime she saw the kids in the ER, the babies in the nursery or Callie and Meredith with their kids, it made her instantly smile. She was on her way to being a mother and she couldn't wait. The shower turned off and she heard Jackson step out of the shower, listening as the towel was rubbed against his body, soaking up the water from his tan skin. April smiled at the thought as she kept rubbing her stomach. "It sounds like your Daddy is fixing to be in here. I missed him today, I barely got to see him." The bathroom door then opened as Jackson walked into the room, his pajama pants being the only thing he had on. April smiled. "That's not nice." She said softly. Jackson smiles as he rolled into the bed and over to his wife, propping himself up on one arm as he looked down at her with a smile. "What's not nice?" "For you to do that," April says, taking one hand off of her stomach and gesturing at his bare upper body. "Come in here with your handsome body all exposed when you know how hormonal I am about.. It." She whispers the last part. Jackson laughs. "I'm sorry babe, that was inconsiderate of me, I was just a little warm after my shower. And, we can't put our sweet little baby in jeopardy. We're so close to being parents April, so close." April smiles as Jackson puts his hand on her stomach and takes over rubbing. "I know." She says softly. "And," Jackson puts in as he looks down at her stomach. "We get to see how it's doing tomorrow at our sonogram." April grins and closes her eyes, the rubbing feeling so good. "I know, I'm so excited!" Jackson plants a kiss on April's lips and she kisses back with a smile, opening her eyes as he pulls away. "Does that feel good?" She nods with a soft smile. "Yes, really good. Please don't stop." Jackson smiles. "Don't worry, I won't."

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