Part 1: The Unpleasant news

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Here we are in New York....usually having coffee in the morning, before training starts. It is summer and New York is currently busy. After this, I will have to head to the headquarters for training. This is the life of being the Mafia's daughter. Im Agatha Salvatore. 25 years old. My father is Caruso Salvatore. He is the head mafia of this city. So if you want someone to be assassinated, approach my father. My mother is Aviva Delos-Santiago. She passed away 3 years ago. Currently, my father has been hanging out with chicks which I utterly hate.

*In the Salvatore Headquarters*

As I enter the headquarters, I see my father's assistant, Madame Beatrice. "Good Morning Agatha, your father wants you in his office at this moment".
I followed Madame Beatrice as she led me to my father's office in the 17th floor of the building. As I enter my father's office, I see 2 white chicks sitting in a chair besides his. I got a little enraged when I saw it. But I just simply disregarded it. "Good Morning father. Why did you call me here?"
"Good Morning Agatha, today I have received a news from our mafia rival"
The Kuan Mafia is our rival. "What is it father?".
"This news is really important. As you can see, our mafia business is degrading. And I cant do this alone. So the Kuan's made a deal with us". I was shocked. I haven't seen my father be like this from the past years. "What is it father?". "You might not like this but this is for the business' sake. In order for our business to stay put. You should marry Mr. Kuan's son". "What?!". This made me more enraged. The son of Kuan has been my lifetime enemy! He literally underestimates me!. "B-but father?". "Please Agatha, no buts. This can give us a big amount of money!" My father is a filthy person for money. Ever since mom passed away, he's been like that.

I was so enraged that I went to my office. There, I cried. And suddenly a man enters my door. " fiancée". It was a surprise. As I tilted my head up, there I see Oliver Kuan. The son Mr. Kuan.
Seems like he also knows about the deal. "Are you hear to underestimate me? Im tired of all this shit Oliver. Leave me alone".
"Oh Im not estimating you my dear". He held my chin in a matter that our faces were so close
"What happened to you? Did you drink some kind of love potion? Your acting different"
"I didn't drink any potion you idiot. Im here to marry you. Aren't you glad that you are marrying the alpha?". Oliver is the most handsome yet most cunning boy in this city
"But we're both not in love"
"Are you sure about that? Maybe your the only one"
As he finished his sentence, he left the room.
"Wait! What?" I was confused when he said that. He doesn't like me since the start. He keeps on teasing me when we have a meet up or training. Something's fishy. He's not like this. But why? As he left, my best friend Nadia entered my office. "I heard the news."
As my best friend entered, she can really feel the pain that I feel. "I just don't understand Nadi. My father clearly knows that I hate him with all my heart. "I totally feel you girl. Don't worry. Just try to love him, and look at his bright side. Maybe there's something good about him".
I didn't take Nadia's advice for granted. Maybe there is a bright side to him.
"I see your point Nadi. But he always makes fun of me." As I said to Nadia.
"Psychology says that if a boy teases you often-"
"What Nadia?" As I said to her in a angrily manner
"If a boy teases you often, there is a sign of being attracted". As Nadia said that, my heart skipped a beat."Impossible Nadia. Impossible"
Oliver went back to my office. "What's impossible?", as Oliver asked.
"I'll leave you two alone. Maybe you need some privacy." As Nadia left the room, I was trembling. I don't know what to do. I clearly don't have any idea on how to act in situations like this. And I've never fell in love.
"Hello, fiancée". Oliver went close to me and he pinned me against the wall.
"Stay away from me Oliver. STAY AWAY". I shouted at him. But that didn't work.
"Your father wants us to take a stroll around the city". Of course I wouldn't want to go out with him. People around New York are sometimes malicious. And who knows? They will actually think that we're together. "Why?".
"He just wants us to go and have a little stroll around the city. We can get croissants. Also white coffee".
When he said that, I was curious on how he knew my favorite. "Fine then. But stay away from me"
"Why Fiancée? I would really love to hold your hand while walking in the streets of New York."
"No! Why would we do that?! This is just arranged marriage Kuan! And I would never fall for you! If I would then Im doing the worst mistake in my life!". As I said that, I felt a little bad for him. But I really don't care.
"Come on Fiancée, if you want this to work, you should also fall for me". That took me in shock. Does he want me to fall for him? "Well how about you then?" I asked him and my body was trembling. What is this feeling?
"I don't have to answer that Fiancée. Now lets go".
He grabbed my hand and I just followed him doing nothing. Im curious. Does he like me? Impossible! It can't be! He would never fall for me.

People were starring at us while we were walking. ESPECIALLY because he was holding my hand. " that Ms. Salvatore with Mr. Kuan?"
"Impossible! Their parents are rivaling mafias! They might be look-a-likes of the both of them. Besides, Oliver is the Alpha of this city. And Agatha will not fall for him". "Oh shut up! You'll never know".
We both hear people blabbering about us.
"I think you should let go of my hand Oliver". As I said that to him. A man went to me and pinned me to the wall.
I didn't have a gun with me so I kicked his balls.
"AHHH! WHY YOU INSOLENT LITTLE BITCH!" He pointed a gun at me and suddenly....
"Don't call my fiancée a bitch". Oliver shot his head.
Everybody heard what he said. I was nervous but still kept calm.
"Let's go back to the building fiancée. Your not safe here". He pulled me again and we walked back to the building. "I could clearly protect my self Oliver".
He touched my lips. "From now on, you should call me Fiancé". First of all, I would never pleasure calling him fiancé. But if he likes me, well I want to play with him. "Ok....fiancé".
"Did you just call me fiancé?". His face was in total shock. I could see his face turn red.

And this is where Part 1 ends....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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