Every 2020 jalbert begining

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3:30 am Tuesday

Albert's POV

It's 3am I just finished editing a new video. I was tired so I fell on my bed. Lana, my girlfriends phone went off and since she had no password I looked at the text to a anoimus phone number. He sayd "hey babe you still up?". I was pretty shocked but didn't want to go wake up Lana since it's so late so I went to sleep.

12:34 pm Tuesday

I got up and the text on Lana's phone appears again. But this time it sayd "babe wyd you up?"
What the fuck. I thought. Since Lana was awake I gave her her phone and turned it on and faced it to her "Lana who is this texting you?"I asked. "Why are you looking through my shit?" " Lana are you cheating on me?" I sayd.
Um..uh..y ''answer Lana"I interuppeded. Yes! Goddamit I'VE been USING you. I never loved you! Leave me the hell alone!

Lana's POV

Did I just say that?.. " Albert I'm so-"
"Just shut up...Lana.
"Where done.." "Fine! I don't give a shit!"
"THEN GET OUT(enter gay shit)!"

Albert's POV

I wanted to cry so much but I couldn't.. I had to keep it in but the pain was too deep...
I layd in bed for hours.. No responding to texts or uploading in a week. My fans grew worried.

And I had just remembered that Jake was going to fly over to see me for a colab..

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