Utter Bullshit

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How did this happen? There are almost forty-five other people in this class. Oh well, it's just in class lab, thinking to yourself, you walk up to your assigned lab table. Maybe it's not him, you hope. Maybe it's a different guy, with the same name.

How does this happen, though? I do not want to see his fucking face again.

"Ew, it really was Ms.Perfect Pants, huh?" You spin around to see that all too familiar jack-ass.

Irritated, you spoke through your teeth, "What the hell, is that what you consider a creative insult? That's a compliment, bro."

"Nobody's perfect, so you're a nobody. There, it's an insult now," he smirked. Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off,

"This is so stupid, why are you in this class? How did you even pass high-school?" This course was (supposedly) really hard, you only took it if you had a specific career in mind.

You were reading the directions, trying your best to just do the damn lab. He seemed to be doing the same, whilst avoiding your questions.

C/N L/N— a bitch. Back in high-school, the teachers would not want to put up with him. You were a teacher's pet by default, even when you tried to escape it. C/N was so rambunctious and you were always paired with him. You don't know what the logic behind it even was. Maybe it was your tattle-tale abilities, that you never really exercised. He was, and still is, super attractive. It's not something you can deny. It was pretty well known that C/N fit perfectly into the category of rebellious, or a "bad boy". Hoes went wild over him, and then they came for you for "asking the teacher to pair you together". When hoes mad, hoes mad. You've probably bled over this guy before. At least, you learned how to fight.

All the students loved him, he went to parties. He probably did a whole bunch of shit I don't care to know about. He was mainly only annoying to me, the teachers' beloved studious girl, and the teachers themselves.

He would never cooperate with you, he wouldn't give you his contact information to talk about projects. At first it was just annoying as hell, but truth be told, you didn't mind doing projects yourself. He was just noisy, until one day he stopped. He was straight up unresponsive, and when every you tried to talk to him about anything he would snap at you. So you stopped talking to him, and just worked on the projects.

This, however might not have been the move. C/N was being quiet around you. You hated each others' guts. There were times where you almost started a physical fight, had you not been so aware of the fact you would lose in a second. You were both too angry to talk to each other, to look at each other. The entire school was aware of how pissy C/N was, staff included. He was every teacher's worst nightmare. So if being around you meant quiet, he was going to share a class with you everywhere he could. This had potential to be cute, there was potential for you to get revenge on the staff. Unfortunately, C/N struck fear very well, there was no chance to befriend him. And so, this continued until you graduated high-school.

There were two major universities in your state, the "better" one, is the one you're attending. It's farther away from home, but you did not want to see C/N again. He ruined you, he ruined your fight-free life, your peace of mind, and now your college experience was going down the drain. You glanced at him, his clothes are deceiving. He was wearing a yellow hoodie with a sunflower in the middle, some black jeans, and black converse. His hair seemed curlier than usual, maybe he rushed out of the shower. I am so relieved he doesn't have his life together. Then you looked closer at what he was doing.

"Looks like someone learned how to actually do group assignments!" You exclaimed in a somewhat bratty-sarcastic tone.

"Shut the fuck up." He said harshly. A rush of fear went down your spine. You took a step back.

Swallowing down some courage you tried to reason, "Listen we have to work on this lab together at some point, otherwise we can't do the fifth step."

"I'm not an idiot, I read the directions, and can you stop acting like you know me? It's kinda weird." This sent you off.

"Listen, we've been in the same school district since kindergarten. We sat next to each other in almost all of my high-school classes. You came up to me and talked to me first, calling me 'Ms.Perfect Pants'. And you know what? It's not that weird to talk to your fucking lab partner about the lab you're supposed to be doing together!" You huffed it all out. You wanted to scream and yell. "Maybe I should ask the Professor to switch tables or something."

"If you had listened, he already said for the first lab of the year we can't switch people because we need to get to know everyone." He grinned a toothy grin. I am so uncomfortable right now.

If it were serious, I'm sure the professor would've let me switch partners anyway, but I don't want to explain my high-school grudges. I don't even want to talk to the professor.

Utter bullshit.

The words came to mind in a hurt voice. The first time you were assigned a project with C/N, it was also for chemistry. You said the words out loud, though in a hushed tone. Whether you were crying or not, you can't really remember.

Nothing has changed, it's still just utter bullshit.


Unforeseen by past-you from three days ago, the lab itself was completed. Now you only had to write the reports, which you most-likely had time for.

Or so you thought.

When you walked into the class, the giant words written on the chalk board ran circles in your brain.

*fully completed*

A/N: hi, this is my redo! i'm sorry i always take so long to post things. i'm doing my best to get in the habit of  committing to these types of things. let me know what you'd like to see in this story :)

story cover will be changed soon, but i wanted to ask what cover you guys would want to see!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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