Chapter 1: One Way Ticket

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Oceania's P.O.V

"How many attacks have we had over the past year" Dad ask looking at the board in front of us.

"13" Uncle Alex and I both say in unison.

"Dad look they're going in order" I say pointing the clues out on the pictures.

"Noah she's right, Devin was the first one attacked because that's Lexi's father and he went with Matt to pick up Raven" Alex says looking at me and Noah.

"NOAH! NOAH! I HAVE A LEAD" Max yells rushing into the room.

Standing up with hope as we all rush over to Max.

"When my sister was first kidnapped...." Max explains as he types a bit more bringing up aunt Lexi's health records.

"I had put the tracker in her and the girls to know where they are at all times" Max says looking at me straight in the eye.

"Why didn't you tell us three years ago? When my aunt I call my mother was taken" I asked with a raising eyebrow.

"Her tracker was off signal, it's like as if someone knew it was there" Max replies looking at me with a certain look that says 'Are you ok?'

I nod giving him a reassuring smile.

"Wait.. what? It doesn't make sense" Matt says running a hand through his hair.

"Oceania do you remember when i took that phone when we were out with Colton, Hayce, Jasmine and Raven?" Max ask looking at me.

"Yeah but what does that have to do" I ask Max confused.

"My uncle on my mother's side" Max says looking directly at Matt.

Uncle Alex looks intrigued.

"Max, what could you know about your dead uncle?" Matt ask with a bit of anger in his tone.

"Uncle Matt, he is alive" Max explains with a questioning eyebrow raised.

"That's impossible" Uncle Matt and Uncle Flynn both say in unison

"He was the only one whoever knew about the trackers I placed in you guys and I had Quincy confirm it" Max says as Uncle Flynn squeezes his fist.

"When Lexi was taken at Macca's there was a guy working from the inside, I got clip of everything before camera's went out" Max explains as he shows a video of a very familiar guy and my aunt in Macca's.

"Max? Your joking about him right?" I ask stepping away from the laptop.

Max doesn't look at me as I take that as a confirmation he wasn't lying.

"Oh fuck me!" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air.

"I would but your dad and uncles are here right now" Max exclaims throwing a wink at me.

"I would murder you, even though your my nephew" Uncle Flynn says with a warning look.

"Eahhh she's worth it" Max says bringing up more photos of the guy.

"Flames, how do you know this man?" Dad ask looking at me.

"He is my Music teacher, he helped me when I got into a fight at school with the schools drama queen" Oceania explains with a sigh.

"Hold on, you got into a fight at school?" Uncle Alex says looking at me with a questioning look.

"Yeahh, not important" I say trying to change the subject.

"Oceania, have you gotten any more messages" Max ask me as I glare at him giving him a look that says 'they don't fucking know'.

"What messages Oceania?" Uncle Alex ask looking at me with a stone face.

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