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  "You're mine." I said, only inches away from her beautiful face. Her eyes. Her lips. I could not resist. "There's only you.. Only you." My thumb caressed her cheek, marvelling at the softness of her skin. From under her dark nut-brown hair, peeked eyes of hazel and honey, edged with a deep forest-green. They shone like sunlight on polished stone and hid a wealth of well justified mistrust. Held innocence that for some reason I wanted to grab and hold on to.. And take. And take. And take. There was fire in those eyes that dwindled down to smoldering ember.

  I held her close, so close that I could feel her heart rhythm against my chest. I was warned about the threats in life, the freaks and the danger that my title brought, but never the ones with the hazel eyes and the heartbeats. Her body.. It was chiseled to perfection. All the right curves, all the right edges. Must she be so perfect?

  I couldn't stop myself from pulling her close to me and kissing her lips. At first, it was a delicate butterfly of a kiss, so faint, like a whisper. But, oh, it grew into so much more. A yearning and hunger that only burned stronger inside me. Kissing her eagerly, my hands roamed all over her body. I wanted to kiss her lips, traced the curves, the lines and the twists they hid. I wanted to caress her body, cover with my hands every inch of her skin from head to toes, run my fingertips over her, and hear the melody of her laughter and the symphony of her moans. "More," I growled silently, still kissing on her bottom lip. "Give me more, Amelia." My lips kept moved against hers in a rhythm we both knew so well, each time harder than the last. The more love I give her, the more I had bursting inside me.. Crazy, huh?

  "Dimitri," The silvery melody of her voice serenaded trough my heart as the air softly touched her lips when she whispered my name. My aesthetic senses came alive. God, she's beautiful. She was painted in the most florescent colors. Whenever she smiled, rays of colors from every end of the spectrum went running in all directions, looking for an untouched canvas on which to leave a mark. She didn't need a paintbrush, for she used her own fingertips to draw the colors of my life. I was once again struck by what she did to me, by her beauty. Her kisses, they lit my brain on fire, the warmth spreading throughout my entire body. After each one of them, I was more addicted. I couldn't bare not to be with her and I could barely breathe when she wasn't around.

  I, the Vampire Prince of Venedocia was swollen under the spell of this human. Even though I was the vampire with the compulsion power, Amelia was the one that compelled me. She was my salvation and my torment. I knew that if I ever gave up on her love, it would slain me for it is her heart that pumps blood in my veins. I knew that the feelings I had for this girl couldn't end until my body ceases to function and my soul is released for whatever comes after. They were somehow embedded into my soul. All I wanted was her. I needed her. I loved her.

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