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When I was sixteen I thought I had everything figured out. I'd go to college and leave with a business degree. Be accepted to the biggest company and climb the ladder to success. Being a supernatural wasn't on the list. I wasn't suppose to be different, I wanted to blend in. A werewolf doesn't blend in with normal people.

I learned I was a supernatural when I was in highschool science and our class wanted to donate blood to the local hospital. My dad made me do it and that's when I learned. The nurse stuck the needle in me and that was when it happened. I howled. Not an exaggeration of a painful noise. A true wolf howl.

My science teacher, Mr.Willow, waved his hand in the air and everything froze. Everything, everyone, time had stopped. I was okay. The needle was still in my arm however. I pulled gently from the nurse and turned to see the frozen shocked faces of my classmates. A small wimper escaped my mouth. I clamped my hand on my mouth and walked up to Mr.Willow. I had read enough supernatural books to know he was some sort of sorceror. My paranoia of if he was good or bad sent my brain in panic mode. It was hard to grasp what had happened. I pinched myself and blinked hard.

"Atraya?" Mr.Willow was calm.

"Ye,Ye,Yes?" I spat out the word

"There is something you should know," he gestured for me to sit down.

I sat and turned about in my seat. The frozen time around me was upsetting. My brain was dizzy but I sat straight and looked forward. It took all my energy to stay awake and listen to Mr.Willow.

"Atraya, I'm just going to say it, you are a werewolf," my eyes dilated wide," you are a rare breed that only comes once in awhile. Usually the first in their family history. It is important that you leave your old life behind. Your father is unaware of your gift, I know I talked to him, your mother died at birth."

"How do you-"

"Know all of this?" He grinned amused with himself," There is a supernatural society that wanted to make sure you were delivered safely to your kind."

"My kind?"

"Other werewolves your age," he smiled and stood," I am to take you there. Don't worry your father won't remember you. Nobody will. All of your things will be found magically in your room at the group," he handed me a key from his pocket and I stood up.

"This is happening to fast!" I screamed as smoke enveloped me, Mr.Willow held my hand and forced my feet still. I couldn't run away," please!"

The smoke went into my lungs. I coughed and coughed. My eyes watered and my body burned. A howl came from within myself. I kept burning and closed my eyes tight until I saw a bright light.

"Am I dead?" I asked.

The response was a deep chuckle," we are here."

I opened my eyes and was blinded by the light. One would think I was a vampire the way I reacted. When I adjusted I was standing in front of a large ,red brick home surrounded by the endless woods. I shaded myself from the sun and read the sign.

Home for Werewolves
Both genders welcome.

"Great," I thought," just great!"

I turned to beg Mr.Willows to take me back but he had disappeared. I twisted in circles looking for him.

"What ya doing pup?" A snickering voice said," chasing your tail?"

I turned fast enough to cause whiplash and narrowed my eyes at the jerk. She was blond and had an entourage behind her. I dismissed her with a wave. She scoffed but turned on her high heels and stomped off. Her entourage shot me looks over their shoulder and I peered at them. They slunk away with their leader.

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