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 How did it started?

-"Great work team! Another mission accomplished" said Catboy to his two allies in their way back to HQ

-"You said it! All of us did an excellent work. Those villains had no chances against us" added Owlette

-"We still have time near us before going back to sleep. Can we go to HQ play video games?" asked Gekko

-"Mmmmh... Sure! Better then doing nothing" answered the cat leader


Later at HQ, everybody were minding his (her) business. Gekko were resting in his HQ level, while his two other friends were in the HQ's middle floor (Catboy's level). Owlette were reading a book 'til she heard a familiar cat calling her...

-"Uh...Owlette..." started Catboy

-"Yes Catboy ?" replied Owlette.

-"There's something that I wanna tell you." said Catboy.

"Oh, what is it?" asked Owlette

The cat leader blushed and let out a gulp, "Relax and take your time, and tell her about how you feel when you're ready."  he kept repeating, so he took a deep breath and sighed

-"What's the matter Catboy? Are you okay?" worried a bit Owlette

-"Everything's fine Owlette" rassured Catboy, "I just wanna say.... We've been friends for a long time ago, but I felt like you and I are more than just friends...."

-"Oh.... Really?" asked Owlette as she blushed

-"Yeah! Because.... Because.... *inhale* Owlette...I really, really like you." he told her "You make my heart beat fast everytime I see you or think about you. You're kind-hearted, smart, generous, cute, lovely and really beautiful ... I never had the chance to tell you this because I was afraid it might affect our I was afraid that there would be a villain who might take advantage of it or something... But I couldn't hold it for longer and I had to tell it somehow.... And now I'm telling you what I feel..." added Catboy as he gently held Owlette's hands, "I love you Owlette... "

The young owl girl gasped of surprise from this unexpected revelation, but she smiled and blushed "You really mean it?" asked Owlette

-"Every word." replied Catboy. "Owlette, I love you...I love you so much."

At these words, the red bird were speechless. But with no hesitation she hugged tightly the blue cat letting a smile on her lips as she rubbed his back. "I've been having the same thought too. And I had also been afraid of telling you too. Some girls at school helped me out, and they told me to tell you when I'm ready too."

"R-really?" asked Catboy.

"Y-yes." said Owlette. "I love you so much, Catboy."

"*sniff* I love you too, Owlette." replied Catboy as his eyes were filled of tears that rolled down his cheeks . They stared at each other for a few seconds, then they closed their eyes and slowly approched each other 'til their lips touched each other and kissed.

Unaware of anything, Gekko came in "Guys is it okay if I have a ride in my PJ Rover? I'm a bit bor- *gasp*" he suddenly gasped of shock after what he saw; his two best friends kissing. He quickly conclued that they fell in love for each others thinking they might leave him behind. Unable to do or say anything afraid of upsetting them, he helplessly ran out the HQ leaving his two friends unaware that he saw them kissing.

Outside, the lizard child stopped running and sitted near a tree "My friends are in love.... My two friends are in love!? I knew this will ever happen!" worried Gekko, " What if they forget about me... I don't wanna be left behind! I... I... "


-"I said no Motzuki!" barked Luna Girl as she flyed on her luna board around the city's night sky with her little moth sister

-"But why? Why Luna don't wanna play with Motzuki?" begged Motzuki

-"Because playing with you is seriously dangerous! Last time I did I almost got hurt" answered the silver haired girl

-"No fair! Motzuki wants to play now!" said Motzuki

-"If you wanna play with me then try to find a calm game. Or at least try to be a bit gentle when you play" answered her Luna

-"Oh okay..." added Motzuki "TAG! YOU'RE IN" shoutted the moth girl as she violently zapped her sister with her anthenas which made Luna trip from her flying board "AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" screamed the young moon girl as she was falling from the sky

Fortunatly for her, Gekko who was walking alone in the park heard her shout and noticed that she were in troubles "*gasp* Oh dear! Hang on I'm coming!" he said as he runned to her and quickly grabbed her just in time before she fell on the ground

-"Huh?" wondered Luna as she closed her eyes

-"*Phew* Lucky I was there in time, or else you could get baddly hurt or maybe worser" sighed Gekko as he was holding the moon girl in a bridal way

-"Lizard legs?" asked Luna as she slowly openned her eyes and saw the brave lizard child holding her safely in his scally strong arms. The moon villainess suddenly blushed and felt her heart beating fast as it has never been before as her eyes were wide open

Unexpectedly, Gekko blushed too as he just realised how pretty Luna Girl was with her shiny indigo eyes and her sparly silver hair. He gently put her down and smiled awkwardly

-"Uh.... Thanks for that ... lizard legs...." thanked Luna

-"It's okay Luna.... Just did my job.... As a hero.... These stuff..." answered Gekko

"Gekko! Come! We're heading back home! " Called Gekko's friends

-"Yikes! It's almost daytime! Gotta Go" said Gekko before he ran back home "See ya Luna!"

-"Uh.... See ya.... Gekko...." waved Luna as she were completly confused in her feelings

It wasn't the first time Gekko rescue her this way, but it's the first time she get a feeling like this toward him... A feeling like she were in love with a hero like him

To be Continued...

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