Chapter One: Green Eyes

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Song of the chapter: "Give Me Love" Ed Sheeran


My hands were shaking with fear as food hit every inch of me. They were laughing at my tears.

"Alright!" Ms. Macki yelled over all of them. "That's enough!" The kids disperse, still chuckling to themselves. "C'mon Charlotte." Ms. Macki wraps her arms around my shoulders and walks me out of the lunch room. I pass a curly haired boy who is watching us pass, intently, with bright green eyes.

"Charlotte, listen." Ms. Macki says. My eyes wander up to her drowsily. "Do you want to go home?" I nod at the suggestion frantically. She nods once before leading me out the door and to her car.

"How old do you think I am, Charlotte?" I hold up ten fingers and then another ten. She smiles.

"Very close. I'm twenty four." She corrects. I nod as she starts her car and begins down the street. "When I was 17, like you, people called me Barbie, because I had bleach blonde hair and-" I hold a hand up to cut her off.

"I'm sorry." She says. We pull into my driveway. My mom steps out of the house and comes to the drivers side window to speak to Ms. Macki.

"Please tell me she's just sick." My mother pleads. Ms. Macki shakes her head at the statement.

"Ms. Marks, I truly advise that Charlotte switch schools." Ms. Macki says."I've tried!" my mum screeches. "No other schools will take her."

"She's very bright, I really do think she could go-"

"They all say she's crazy." My mum says. She ducks her head to see me and looks me in the eyes. "Go inside." I grab my backpack from the floor and head into the house. I slide the window open to hear my mums conversation with Ms. Macki. "You know what's wrong with her! After what happened all those year ago, she's broken!"

"It was seven years." Ms. Macki corrects.

"No one will even look over her file!"

"Those kids are going to eat her alive, Janessa! You have to do something!" Ms. Macki defends. Tears brim my eyes and I rush up the stairs. I slam my bedroom door closed and pull out a pill case from my night stand. I could end it all right her, right now.

 No. Just one, Charlotte.

Mum needs me. After dad... you're all she has. I one from the purple pill container and swallow it.

 That's it. Just one.

My heart and mind relax as I fall onto my bed, awaiting the sleep I deserve.


"Charlotte!" My eyes drift open. "Hun, it's dinner time, love!" I raise from the mattress and head down to the kitchen. The smell of mashed potatoes and roast beed hit my nostrils as I enter our kitchen.

"One ot two slices of roast?" I hold up a two and sit at the table to await my food. My mom sets a plate infront of me, slong with a glass of rootbeer and goes back to the stove. "When will you talk to me again, Char?"


I scoop potatoes and beef into my mouth.

"Oh whatever." My mum waves off. She sets another plate down for herself and begins to pull a chair out when there is a sudden knock at the door. She hurries to the door and I hear it open moments later. I hear her greeting the guest and I begin to not pay attention and focus on my food, pushing it around the plate.

"Uh, Charlotte!" She sounds surprised and possibly even worried. "You have company!"

 Wait. What?

I rise from my place and go to the sitting room where my mom and the guest are located. My mum is standing awkwardly next to a rather tall boy with curly brown locks and green eyes.

 The boy who was watching me exit earlier.

"Hey." The boy waves. I go to say something, but my eyes quickly divert to my mother who is anticipating my speech. I point back to the kitchen and her face falls. She walks back into the kitchen and after deciding it's better just not to argue. I quickly grab the boys arm when my mum exits and I tug the boy up the stairs and to my room. When we are both in, I shut the door and turn back to him.

"Who-?" My voice croaks. I quickly cough to clear it and give it another go. "Who are you?"

"Harry." He smiles.

"I'm sorry but- I don't know you." My voice sounds so quiet.

"I know." He says back.

"Then why- and how- are you here?" I ask.

"I- um- asked?"

"How did you really get here?"

"I asked Ms. Macki. I noticed you could really use a friend." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Why?" I ask.

"I saw what those kids were doing, and-"

"You didn't do anything." I cut in. "Are you new here or something?"

"Uh, no, actually I've lived here my whole life." He says. "I just transferred schools because, well, I bought my own apartment and it's closer here."

"But why be here? I'm the crazy freak, you heard them!" I whisper yell.

"No you're not!" He barks, causing me to flinch a bit.

"I am!" Tears brim my eyes for the second time tonight. I fall to my knees and bring my hands to my eyes. "I'm crazy." Harry kneels beside me and tries to calm me down.

"Listen, Charlotte, correct?" I nod and Harry lifts my chin to meet his eyes. "If you ever you ever need a friend," he hands me a scrap of paper with numbers written on it. "I'm here."

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