Story Time

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Going up in Daemos wasn't easy for Noi, he was an average weakling compared to just about anyone. But he didn't let that stop him from going out and climbing the latter. He worked hard and fought hard, but no matter what the other Daemos were all better than him. Everyone knew it, no one would talk to him, his own family disowned him, and he lived a sad life with his weak body, and weak magic. But one day, it would all change.

"Look at his weak little body trembling!" One of the Daemos said as they were kicking and beating a patit, salmon pink Daemos' pale complexion, red, blue and purple. "This will teach you for taking care of those ugly plants." They kicked him till he saw death, and left him on the ground to be finished by nature, a fire red flower protected in his grasp.

"I think I heard something my prince, it came from this way." A voice said coming from the forest.

"Well go check it out then!" Another voice yelled.

"I hope we can kill it." A third voice said.

"It could be a human..." A deep forth one replied.

The group kept talking as they approved the black and blue corpse-like Daemos. He did his best to move into a bush and hide, but his body was too weak as he coughed up blood.

The group made it to the clearing.

One was a dark, blue-eyed Daemos who was squinting at the cadaver. "Oh, it was just a weakling. How pathetic."

Another was a tan, green-eyed Daemos who had his weapons ready to kill. "Oh man, looks like someone already got to him."

The next was a paler blued eyed Daemos. "No, it is still alive."

The last was a handsome black-haired, black-eyed Daemos, who wore a ring on one of his horns. "Who would leave their victim out here, cowards. Pierce, pick him up, let's take it to get help." The one who said little to nothing nodded at his prince as he went and picked up the cadaver like Daemos.

"Your Highness, is that a good idea?" The other blue-eyed asked his prince in concern.

"Do you dare doubt me, Rhys?" The prince replied in his fiery anger.

"I say we just kill it, put it out of it's suffering." The blond Daemos said, poking the bloody body with his weapons.

"No, he is one of my people, besides. he could turn out to be useful." The black-haired Deamos said hitting the blond one.


"That's pretty much how it was told to me, I was dead at the time," Noi said to Ava as they sat at the kitchen table, Rhys busy cooking, and Pierce breaking up the fight between Asch and Leif. Everything was great for Noi compared to his life on Daemos.

"Wow, they wanted to leave you for dead!?" Ava practically cried out, grabbing Noi's hand.

"Well he was badly injured, Princess, it made the most sense at the time," Rhys said placing a plate in front of Ava. "Now eat up, it was a long day today."

She nodded digging in not noticing the other's watching.

"So what are we doing tomorrow? Is it going to be a Socky day!?" Noi said jumping in excitement at the thought of Socky.

"SOCKY!" The other Deamos cheered as Ava rolled her eyes and continued to eat.

After a while Ava finished her food, the Deamos were back in their room dimension, and Jonny was eating Ava's left-over pizza. Noi walked out of the wall, as Ava set her dishes in the sink. "Oh, hey Noi, what's up?"

"Hi Princess Ava, I came to tell you the rest of the story!" Noi said sitting at the table, Ava joining him.

"That would be great Noi!" She looked at him ready to listen.


Noi slowly began to wake up, slowly looking around an unfamiliar room, he had a few bandages on his head and torso, and one covering his left eye. He sat up to get a better view of the room when he spotted a figure in the shadows with bright light blue glowing orb-like eyes. "Um... Hi?" He squeaked out nervously.

"You should be dead. So I'm here to kill you myself." Leif stepped out holding his sickles up.

As he jumped to Noi to kill him, Pierce stopping him in mid-air. "Sigh, can you not try to kill him," Asch said walking in with Rhys walking behind him. He walked to Noi glaring down at him, but Noi couldn't look away, lost a bit in his black eyes. "You owe me your life, got that?" Noi nodded. "You will do what I say from now on, no matter what. You don't get a choice." Noi nodded again watching the four leave, he lifted his hand to his chest as his face flushed red a bit.


"So ya, after that, I was one of Asch's knights." Nio set a cup down, finishing some water Ava got him.

"Wow, at least you have a reason to follow Asch. I was just hanging in a tree." She laughed getting up. "Goodnight Noi, I'm going to sleep."

"Good night Princess Ava!" He waved at her sitting there as he finished his water.

After half an hour or so, Asch stepped out glaring at Noi. "There you are."

He turned to look at Asch surprised. "Oh Prince Asch, you needed me for something?" He watched Asch walk over to the table taking Ava's seat laying his head on the table.

"Do your calming trick, I need to think." He said looking out the window, Noi smiled reaching out and running his fingers through Asch's hair, humming softly.


Sorry for getting this out late, I was hit by a wicked case of writer's block, and started a different project, but I will do my best to write my OTP, well one of my OTP's. Feels nice to be writing Aphmau fanfiction again. :3

Love y'all <3

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