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Like Father Like Son

Maruaders were now all grown up, 2/4 were happily married with children.

James Potter married Lily Evan nee Potter and had twin boys, the eldest was the exact replica of James same dark brown hair almost black with hazel eyes; naming him James Potter the 2nd. The youngest looked just like his brother except held emerald green eyes like his mother; his name Harry Potter.

Though James and Harry were twins it didn't mean they were exactly alike. James the 2nd inherited his fathers personality while Harry inherited his mothers.

Sirius Black married the beautiful Rose Summers nee Black having a beautiful baby girl; Lily Black named after her godmother Lily Potter. Lily Black held her mothers dark red hair yet had her fathers big grey eyes; she was half veela/Pureblood which made sense because like her parents she held extreme beauty her mother and father (them being the hottest couple back in Hogwarts).

Like Father Like Son James the 2nd became attached to the young redhead Lily Black much to her displeasure and often did anything just to be around her. Lily would have always cried if he touched her arm or try to hug her which was quite a lot yet she got along with Harry pretty well.

Remus Lupin was Lily Blacks godfather & Lily Potter her godmother. For James and Harry their godfather was Sirius and godmother was Rose Black.

As they heard about the prophecy involving James and Harry they began to worry about their safety and hid away; Sirius and Rose along worried not only for their god children but for their child.

Bellatrix Lestrange was out for revenge on both Sirius and Rose, she wanted to hurt them badly to do that she would have to get Lily.

The night Sirius was sent to Azkaban for 'betraying' Lily and James Potter, Rose and Lily were left alone. James and Harry had survived the killing curse defeating Voldemort becoming Famous at the Potter twins who Lived both having a scar of a lightening bolt on their foreheads. The ministry had took pity on Rose and Lily and left them alone yet kept a close eye on them.

A year had gone by and Lily was already 2 being raised by Rose all alone. Rose's family was different, the Summers were known for having a extraordinary power at a young age. Lily's was showing people flashbacks of her life or what she wanted/thought just by touching her hand to their cheek; Rose's power was a shield & mind reading, she held a shield around her mind so no one could read it or see it. Rose had already given her beloved daughter all of her powers at an early age; she knew that she was running out of time.

Bellatrix payed them a visit yet Rose had seen her coming and quickly called the Order and hid Lily in the closet. Bellatrix tortured Rose trying to get her to crack where she had hid Lily away while Lily watched through a small crack, once Bellatrix realised that Rose wasn't going to say where she hid Lily. Bellatrix killed her not before Rose yelled out "I LOVE YOU LILY" at the moment the Order apparated in as Bellatrix quickly vanished out.

Remus Lupin found his goddaughter crying in the closet as much as he wanted I adopt her he couldn't due to him being a werewolf.

Yet a arrangement was made, Severus Snape was known for being quite close with Rose back in Hogwarts so Lily stayed with Severus becoming great friends with his adoptive son Ethan Snape.

Yet Narcissa Malfoy Nee Black was Lily's last relative that was still alive so Lily would often switch up staying at Severus house for a week then next week she was at the Malfoy Manner. Not that Mrs Malfoy minded she was thrilled to have a girl in the house she treated Lily as the daughter she never had. Draco became quite protective of her seeing Lily as a little sister, Mr Malfoy even found her quite adorable and since she held a lot of manners he let her stay.

But now James, Harry and Lily are all 11 now and would meet at Hogwarts, question is do they remember each other?

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