Untitled Part 1

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Chapter 1

Marianna's eyes started to open as light beamed from the sunrise shining through her curtains, she turned over to see it was, 6:27 am, 3 minutes till her alarm would go off.

                As she laid on her queen-sized bed in her 1-bedroom apartment, she contemplated closing her eyes and going back to her dreams, where everything seemed better lately. She stretched and muttered "I guess I need my job" and she started to get out of bed. She turned on her shower and went to go start her coffee machine to allow time for the shower to warm up.

She removed her night gown and got into the shower, and she let the hot water run down her back, she began to sooth soap over her bare skin, she moved from her neck down to her shoulders slowly. Before she knew it, she began to have flash backs of her once home in Italy, she missed the culture, food, friends, family...

Buongiorno Marianna, posso preparare la colazione? Cosa vorresti mangiare?

As she traced a scar above her left breast, a tear fell from her eye, she began to think of her then boyfriend Pierre...

Ti faro mio in un modo o nell'alto!!....

Her alarm went off, she gasped "dannazione" as she realized she got lost in her thoughts and that was her alarm she set to remind her she must leave her apartment in 30 minutes to make it to work. She quickly jumped out and began to get ready.

Marianna worked in a high-profile law firm as a personal executive assistant in New York City. Her boss was none other than Emmanuel Jennings, a tall handsome young man, a prodigy, crystal blue eyes that pierced through any person looking at him, especially women, dimples that can stop you mid-sentence when he smiled, which he rarely did, teeth made for dental commercials, hair that would make any man jealous, full thick and dark. He was so stern with his facial expressions that commanded attention at which no one dared to oppose him.

With one exception, Marianna!

Which to her surprise she hadn't been fired yet? She was unlike any other woman Mr. Jennings had ever come into contact with, he was used to women falling at his feet, even though he never paid attention to them, he was a businessman through and through and made no time for romance. Marianna was never amused by Mr. Jennings, she did her job and called it a day, if she felt he was wrong with something she never held back from telling him.

                For Marianna wanted to work her way up, under her father's wishes, she however had her own dreams she wished she could have followed, however, that never stopped her from being a professional with her job.

She was the best executive assistant at that law firm, Jennings Inc. Law firm, which showed her work dedication at which never went unnoticed by the staff including Emmanuel Jennings, which is what Marianna would think when she would ask her self why Mr. Jennings kept her after she would speak her mind and not be as mindless as the other assistants would be when he walked in the room.

As Marianna finished getting ready for work, her phone made a ding sound, which she knew was her boss, she walked over to her phone and sighed "let's see what kind of coffee Mr. Serious wants today" 

"Ms. Milano, large black coffee with two creamers." a text from Mr. Emmanuel Jennings, she replied "Yes, sir." Instead of what she was saying out loud "anything else your royalty, geez not even a please or thank you, what a cretino" with her keys and purse in hand she locked her door and off she went to work. While walking out of her building she was stopped by one of her neighbors, Jacob Fisher, slightly taller than her, slim, brown friendly eyes, with light brown hair slightly balding on the top, sweet smile kind of man, which she knew that he was "in love with her" but she never made time for him, or any other man for that matter, which was always a hot topic with her mother Isabella to which Marianna had her own reasons, that she never exposed to anyone.

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