Prologue: Lost

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Your eyes shoot open— A flock of birds take flight.

You stare is blank...sightless.

Your mind is a murky soup of nothingness.

Taking in a deep breath, the smell of the cool morning air— wet grass and cold dirt— clears your mind.

The song of birds catches your attention.

The world is in order.

You blink and take in the tall forest that surrounds you.

Cool grass presses against your fur and—


You look down and examine your leg. A paw? Claws?

Your brows furrow and confusion comes up in puffs of white. It provides no answers. Though...this doesn't feel right. Like, this whole situation 'isn't right.'

You sneeze and come back to yourself.

You're in a small clearing, surrounded by trees and purple wildflowers. It's beautiful. But it's also freezing. The cold saps away your sleep and you force yourself up on shaky legs.

You can't... remember what had led to this moment. How consciousness had enraptured your mind and wiped away your thoughts.

You take one last look around... before speeding off into the underbrush.


"Good, seems they have no complications..."

A huff, "We'll see about that, it's only been a few moments."

"Welp, we've failed."

"Hey! Nothing's even happened yet, calm down!"

"Shush! Something's happening!"

Staring into a still pool of water, your reflections gazes up at you with a pair of fiery golden eyes.

You don't recognize them.

"...Who..." You squint, " I?"


"Oh SHI—!"

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