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Author's Note: The cover was made by CliffJumper101, who is an amazing author, you should definitely check out her books, they are beautiful and simply amazing!

The blinding sun beamed bright in the morning sky, warming the atmosphere of Cybertron with its lovely rays and shining down on the many students walking or driving to school after a pleasant summer vacation. Each student was ready to start anew this year with new friends and a new attitude, and maybe, just maybe, find love. Although, that did seem unlikely in high school, which was a magnet for spark-break and all kinds of scrappy drama.
However, for a group of four friends, it was a hope that never died. They chatted away happily as they entered the grand gates that led to Hellion's High School for Gifted Youngsters.
Three of these friends were triplets. The eldest was Chromia. She had black metal skin, wearing a purple two-piece of armor that showed off her slim waist and wide hips. She liked to wear armor like that to make her sweetspark, Ironhide jealous. Her dark blue optics sparkled with mischief and youthful glee from the shadows of her dark brown hair that fell to her shoulder-plates like dark chocolate.
The second-eldest, Elita One walked beside her, rolling her sapphire-blue optics sassily at her sister's silly remarks. She had skin as white as snow and pink armor that matched her sisters' to compliment it. Her hazel-brown air was done up in its usual messy bun, the light breeze wisping the loose strands around her pretty face-plates.
The youngest of the group was Arcee. She walked silently between her chatting sisters, keeping her helm down so as to not be conspicuous to anyone. She had a slimmer frame than both her siblings and silver metal skin. Her long blonde hair fell over her face-plates, so one would have to look hard to see her lovely ocean-blue optics.
Beside Elita walked their best friend since kindergarten. She was just a bit older than them all, but she saw them as her big sisters sometimes. Her name was Spirit. She had a beige two-piece of armor that showed off a little of her slender waist and hips, off of which usually hung a blue or green sash. Her large baby-blue optics peered out from beneath her low-cut pearl-purple bangs, the rest of her hair tied in two braids that could easily cover her doll-like face-plates if she wanted. She was was also very shy, and only really spoke to her friends about things that were troubling her.
Their conversation was light. Mostly, the friends asked each other about their summer and how their jobs went and such, yet Chromia was the first to voice the question that she knew was in every femme's processors.
"So~, who's looking for a mech this stellar-cycle?" she grinned as she said it, nudging Elita. She didn't worry too much; she and Ironhide had been going strong for two stellar-cycles now.
Elita blushed lightly and held her books tightly to her chest-plate,"I'd love to find a mech-friend."
"I-I mean...i-it would be nice," Arcee admitted with a slight rise of her shoulder-plates. She and Spirit were the timid ones of the group, quiet and shy. All she really needed was someone to bring her out of her shell.
Spirit poked her digits together, pondering the thought,"I mean...it might be okay?"
Her soft voice was barely audible. She rarely raised it at all, since it put her at the center of attention most of the time, which she hated.
They walked up the stairs to the school along with several other students and into their classroom, greeted by the familiar chaos that didn't seem to have changed at all since school ended for summer break. Students were throwing paper airplanes and spitballs, chattering away with one another, and gossiping about all they'd heard over spring break.
Spirit heard Zinc, a femme who'd easily grown to dominate being the top popular femme in high school, loudly declare to her friends, making sure everyone within hearing range caught onto what gossip she'd picked up.
"I heard two new bots were transferring today. Both mechs," she giggled, twirling a piece of her silver hair around her digit, her optics gleaming.
"Oo! I hope they're hot!" one of her numerous friends squealed excitedly.
"Pfft! You think anything is exciting," Zinc rolled her optics sarcastically, then directed her icy stare to the triplets and their friend, who were looking between each other with surprise on their face-plates.
"W-we should find our seats," Spirit stammered, quickly turning to the seating chart, trying to avoid Zinc's horrid glare. She did not need a restart of last stellar-cycle.
The triplets sighed and went to their appointed seats. It was disappointing, since this time they weren't all seated next to each other. Oh, they'd had so much fun passing notes and such back and forth last stellar-cycle.
The teacher entered the classroom, abnormally late, and rapped his ruler against the desk to get everyone's attention. Their response was delayed, but finally, all students had their optics on the elderly mech.
"Apologies for being late, class, we had a bit of a dilemma involving a cyber-raccoon that got into the office," he picked up his notes, seeming to ignore the collective giggles resounding through the classroom,"Alright, so as many of you may already know, we are getting two...three more new students?"
He scratched the back of his helm, frowning at the papers and muttering to himself,"I could've sworn this said only two students a moment ago."
Clearing his throat-pipe, he lifted his helm to regard his class,"Three new students. They should be here shortly."
As if right on cue, there was a firm knock on the door. Everyone stared at it eagerly. Now was the time of judgement to guess which rank these students would be put into and how they would be treated amongst the others.
"Come in!" the teacher called and the door opened.
First in was a tall mech with red armor that had black highlights. He handed in his sheet, showing he was a new student, and stepped back to face the class with a little smirk, his caramel-brown optics surveying all the curious face-plates.
Elita's optics widened and she stared in shock at the mere sight of him,'What a hunk!'
The next mech handed in his sheet to the teacher. He was a little taller than the first mech with blue armor that was tastefully decorated with a red flame design. He wasn't very muscled, but that was certain to change thanks to the strict exercise regime here.
Spirit liked the color scheme of his armor. She wondered if he was born with that pattern or if he got a custom paint job. It was kinda like dying one's hair, but you had to wear different armor for a few days.
The final mech entered, slightly late. Right away, everyone knew he was the freak. He was shorter than both the previous arrivals, with black and white armor. His frame was much slimmer than theirs, but still masculine. An optic-patch covered his right optic, the other a burning orangey-gold color. His white hair with black roots and tips flopped over his covered optic, drawing attention to his mask that covered his dermas.
Arcee looked at him shyly. His optic flicked and met hers and swiftly she looked down, shyly.
"Please take your seats," the teacher pointed them towards the seating chart and the trio of newcomers made their way down the aisles to their seats. The mech with the flame pattern was seated next to Spirit on her right side. The red and black mech was seated by Elita on her left side, and Error was seated by Arcee on her left side as well.
Spirit quietly looked down at her school datapad, not daring to look up at the newbie. As mentioned before, she didn't like attention, and definitely not from strangers. She tapped her stylus on her fore-helm anxiously.
The red and black mech pulled out a beaten and worn datapad that looked like he'd just dragged it out of the dump. Elita regarded it curiously, impressed when the wretched thing actually turned on.
The red and blue mech glanced at Spirit, then switched on his datapad and focused on the lesson as it began.
It was a difficult class, and the teacher liked to speak in a monotone voice, so the students mostly spaced out and stopped paying attention, or, like Elita, they had ADHD and had difficulty paying attention regardless.
Someone behind Arcee threw a wad of paper onto her desk in front of her, making her jump in surprise. The femmes behind her snickered, giving away who was responsible. Arcee glared at them over her shoulder-plate, then looked back at the crumple and unfolded it carefully.
'Two freaks sitting together in class. What a perfect couple.'
Arcee scrunched up the note and glared at the femmes. She touched the metal floor, pretending to drop her stylus, and sent an electrical shock, whose energy caught the mech beside her's attention. He watched the tiny electrical bolts travel along the floor and shoot into the femmes behind her.
They both stopped laughing immediately and jumped about five feet into the air with deafening shrieks. The slagged-off teacher whirled around and smacked his ruler on the desk,"Silence in class, unless you have a question..then in that case raise your servo!"
"But, sir-" one femme began, only to be interrupted by another harsh clap of the ruler hitting the desk.
"Ah! Ah!" the teacher narrowed his optics dangerously.
She looked down and she and her friend submissively took their seats again, defeated for now.
As the class resumed, Elita tried hard to listen, but she hardly got any of the information through. Having ADHD was not fun...actually, was any mental illness fun? Oops! There she went again, losing focus.
The red and black mech beside her saw that she was having trouble paying attention and started writing rapidly on his datapad before swiping towards her. A thin thread of light, one that looked like a thin spiderweb hit by the sun passed between his and her datapads momentarily and a simplified way to solve the problem they were being taught how to solve.
Elita jumped a little and looked down in shock. He could do that? She glanced over to the mech and mouthed a silent,"Thank you."
The mech flashed her a quick, dashing grin, then looked back at his own work.
Elita blushed a little and smiled.

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