Welcome to my role-play book!
Here we have a few rules you must follow!
So please follow them, I don't want to have to kick you out of the role-play.
1. No controlling my character ( had someone do it in my last book and it was annoying as hell.)
2. No Roleplaying until I accept your forum!!!!
3. Talk in third person.
4. Stay in your role-play chain, don't be jumping into another one.
5. Hate the character not me.
6. Name your favorite super hero
7. Have at least 2 sentences at least!
Dont! -
*She looked at him* Hi Samuel! *She giggled*
Do! -
Alice glanced over to Samuel and opened her mouth to speak, "Hi Samuel." She spoke.
8. Try not to have any grammar errors!
9. If your not enjoying the Role-play, just let me know and I will stop the role-play
10. Have Fun!!!!
Okay there you made it through good job!
Mk Password - __________
you need it!