The grave

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This is my story. It has adventure and romance.

The people in my story are zoe, Ana (me), Tristan. We live in a house that my dad made before he... died. We have only 3 bedrooms, I got very depressed when my dad died. I got even more depressed when my friend Jack commited suicide. I started cutting but my mom or dad never found out because I was good at hiding it. I go to the cemetrey to see him every week. Only Zoe knows I am scared Tristan might follow me there so I say I am taking a walk. Zoe knows I really like Tristan so when she can she asks who he likes. He tells her not to worry about it. So today is our big camping week which means no seeing Jack. If I dont see Jack I get really depressed. Then I cant hide it, I hope I do well.


As we were setting up the camper. Something caught my attention. I dont know what it was but it freaked me out. I told Tristan he said he would find what it was while he was in the woods he found a grave but it wasnt any grave it was Jacks. The grave said Jacks best friend  then my name. He told me later while me and him were having a talk. The talk was for my depression and the grave. He started with "Ana you have been really depressed lately why?"

"I just miss home" I said. "I know its because of..... Jack." "Who is he?" I said trying to hold back my tears. "When you heard something I looked and I saw the grave you can't hide it."

"You can't make him come back and you don't need to know about him." I started to cry. He tried to comfort me, but I ran out of the camper.

I had no clue where I was going. I accidently ran in to Zoe but I didn't fall. I had to run faster because Tristan was running after me. I quickly said sorry and ran to a meadow looking for a razor or something. I felt like it was my fault Jack killed himself and that Tristan found out. Finally I found a razor I don't know why it was there but right now I didn't care. I looked up for 2 seconds then I was ready,1 cut, 2 cuts there was 10 bloody, fresh cuts on my arm. Then I heard people running.Then black spots filled my vision before I knew it I blacked out. Just then Zoe found me. Bleeding, laying on the floor, barley breathing, I hit a vein. Tristan got there 2 minutes later. He ran to me and gave me CPR I could hear him crying and zoe was balling her eyes out while putting preasure on my cuts. I slowly opened my eyes. Tristan hugged me really hard so did zoe. They took me back to camp. They were both crying. They didn't leave my side even though I told them I was fine. They made me dinner and I told them to make something but they didn't they just watched me.

I woke up at about 2 am. I started screaming because I had a nightmare. I can't remember it very well but I do remember I  was in black room there was a  woman figure. She'd been crying. Then the smell of alchol filled the room. A man started beating her. He punched her, pulled her hair, and bit her. Then he looked at me with disgust and said I'll be back for you  later(with some uneeded language).Then he went back out and locked the door. The girl said  I know away out but you  have to go before he comes back. She told me if you look higher on the wall you'll find a window. I asked her why she didn't. Her injures were too bad for her to go. I got her out first then the door opened it was too late for me to excape. He grabbed me and whiped me across the room. He kept hitting me. It felt like forever. Then the girl come back  and hit him with a T.V. He fainted and we excaped. That's all I can remember. Zoe was already there and calmed me down and told me it was just a dream. I told her everything I remember. She told tristan and he said forget about it was a bad dream that's all I knew he was concerned but I did as i was told. The next few days was strange it  was off i don't know how but it was.

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