Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: the cover isn't mine. Credits to the original owner/s.

Jiang Wanyin woke up to the soft sloshing of the water against the wooden docks near his chambers, the wind was still a bit chilly and the chirping of the early birds have not been heard just yet. This was another early day for Jiang Wanyin...perhaps too early. Jiang Cheng;s eyes fluttered open as he tried his best to chase the sleep away from his mind. He could see that the room was still dark, the only light that illuminated the area was of the silver moon right outside his window. The sect leader willed himself to get up, lighting the candle resting on his night stand. there was no use in trying to go back to sleep now, specially since the night before was plagued with visions and images of fire spreading, screaming, his mother and father's lifeless corpse and a crying Shijie that was mourning for her husband. not a pretty sight. And so he shook the upsetting thoughts away and took his candle and brought it over to the door, he slid it open, letting the early morning breeze flow in to which he inhaled deeply. today was going to be a busy day, as his husband Nie Huaisang was going to arrive for a visit. Oh right, Nie Huaisang. despite his outer persona of not knowing anything other than how to hide himself away from the trouble, the whole cultivation world shook in fear when the news of what happened in Guanyin temple roamed the lands. Now, Nie Huaisang (other than being the sect leader of Qinghe) was elected to be the head cultivator, he had held the position for almost 2 years now. thought the elders were unsure of who to vote at that time they had to make a haste decision when Lan Wangji (his brother's husband and former chief cultivator) dropped out of his position barely 5 months into his rule, in favor of travelling the land with Wei Wuxian and to live his life with his husband.

Jiang Cheng could only scoff at that, who would ever want to throw away such a high position just to be with one person for the rest of your life? he would never understand his brother his stiff and cold brother-in-law.

After Nie Huaisang was appointed as Chief Cultivator, marriage proposals poured in from left to right. the whole cultivation world seemed to forget that their marriage proposals were adressed to the once "Headshaker" the "Good for nothing" and the one they dubbed as someone who will never be an inch of what the late Chifeng-zun is. and to Jiang Cheng's luck, he was also bombarded with marriage proposals as well. knowing that his sect will need an heir to carry on the Jiang bloodline, maidens from far and wide seemed to have gained a spine to ever send him a letter, let alone a marriage proposal. Of course, he said no to each and every one of them, though he didn't think he could neglect so much. that was until one day Nie Huaisang arrived in Lotus Pier without any warning or letter of his arrival. he paraded through the hallway with his elegant gray and olive robes, his fan fluttering about just above his jaw. Jiang Cheng felt irritated how Nie Huaisang looked really at home. needless to say it took two days before Jiang Cheng agree on marrying Huaisang for the convenience of both of their Sects. and that led him to the present, married to the Chief cultivator who barely had any time for him. Jiang Cheng wasn't complaining though, the benefits that grew from tying their sects together was more than what they bargained for. No one dared touch the Yunmeng Jiang or the Qinghe Nie Sect with their strong alliance in tact.

Jiang Cheng made himself a hot cup of tea as he watched the sun rise from the horizen, he contemplated on whether he should train to pass the time but thought against it. he wanted to be fresh and presentable for Nie Huaisang's arrival, no matter how the other sect leader can be a hindrance he was still his husband.

As the sky slowly turned from a dark blue to a very light and airy shade of blue, he finished his tea and started on his morning routine.


Jiang Cheng sighed in frustration as he looked over the papers that had been stacked on his working table, he was in one of the pavillions working on his sect's affairs and penning responses to the letters that needed his attention. The view from the window was breathtaking, with the lotus flowers blooming atop the waters and the small waves that swayed them, the He felt a headache incoming and he was swept away at the thought of hunting instead of writing petty response letters to small sects that would have been able to solve their own problems if they used enough parts of their brains.

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