Jumping through Dreams of Fire

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This is my first story, don't be too harsh haha.. I will be constantly updating to make my story to make it better, I hope you like it :)


 Chapter 1

          It was the coldest winter of my life. Thinking back to that day brings chills to my bones and deep pain remembering those I'd lost in the accident. I was just an innocent 7 year old girl with blond curls to my shoulders and eyes blue enough to make the sky jealous. I was wearing my favorite red Christmas dress and a big puffy white winter coat, making me look a marshmallow stumbling around in the deep snow.

           "Janny its time to go!"

         My mother called out,holding her large pregnant belly as she leaned up against our old mini van. She was a beautiful woman in her late 20's who always wanted a big family family and loved everything about being a mother. My father would always tell us we looked so much alike we could be sisters. She loved the compliment, but I just wished one day I would be as beautiful as her.

          "But I don't wanna go."

          I whinned plopping down in the snow as I looked back at the other children throwing snowballs and building forts in the distance. It was Christmas Eve and we were at a party celebrating the Holiday with our friends and family just south of where we lived in Chicago.

            "Please, just a few more minutes." I started to cry.

          "Come on baby girl, its starting to get dark and people are leaving, lets go home and get some hot chocolate and warm up by the fire."

            My father smiled though his rough beard that matched his soft brown eyes. He was a strong, tough guy who could win anyone over with his kindness and handsome complexion. I smiled as he bent down for me to wrap my arms around his neck. He scooped my up from the cold wet snow and I leaned my head against his shoulder. I closed my eyes and held on tight, I never felt more safe than being wrapped up in my father's arms. I can still remember the sweet scent of his cologne. It was apart of him, something I would never forget. He Strapped me tightly into my seat belt and covered me with a blanket as we headed north for home. It was a long drive possibly an hour to get home and it was already dark by the time we got on the highway. The snow picked up and quickly became so heavy we could barely see the road, and traffic slow down. Meanwhile I was fast asleep in the back dreaming, excited about all the gifts from Santa I would receive in the morning and my new baby brother soon to be born.

            I remember being awakened by a scream and seeing bright headlights headed straight for us through the windshield. My father jerked the steering wheel and the van swerved, we instantly lost control hitting a thick sheet of ice, the semi truck collided directly into the front of our van. My head slammed hard against the door, everything instantly went fuzzy and eventually black...

             I woke to the thick smell of smoke in the air, and feeling a burning pain all up my arms. I could hear sirens and a crowd of people in the distance. I was laying on the side of the highway and fairly confused as to what was going on. In the distance there was a blazing fire in the spot were the accident happened, a huge semi truck was on its side and my family's mini van was crushed underneath. My head began to spin as I attempted to stand. All I could think of was my mom, dad, soon to be born baby brother and if they are alright. I limped over to were the crowed was, and saw a fire fighter giving chest compressions to a little girl covered in burns and lying in a pool of blood. That little girl.... was me. 

            My head spun and my heart raced as I began to panic, nearly knocking me off my feet. Everything was beginning to go blurry again, as millions of questions raced through my mind. "How am I seeing myself from the outside?", "Am I dead?", and "Were are my parents?" Tears began to roll down my face as I started to cry. I bolted through the crowd surrounding my lifeless body. Terrified I ran to the nearest firefighter for comfort. I tried to hug him and wrap my arms around his legs like I had done to my father so many times before. Reaching out to the man I fell face first onto the cold hard asphalt. My whole body went through his legs as if I was a ghost, and he had not even realized I touched him. I looked down at my hands, my whole body looked as if it was made out of a translucent film. I could see though my body and pass though people and objects with ease, in my mind I had died. I remembered being told ever since I was a baby that when you died your soul went to one of two places, either Heaven or Hell. This was defiantly not Heaven, I thought for sure I must be in Hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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